Let's say I have an FFmpeg video decoder x264 initially initialized with some parameters. I am using C++ in my scenario. In normal conditions we push an encoded I-frame into such decoder and then referencing encoded P-frames.
I have a special case where my I-frame is already decoded. So in my case I want to:
push already decoded I-frame into my decoder
push referencing encoded P-frames into my decoder
How can I initialize the decoder state with already decoded I-frame? Currently to bypass these limitations I have to:
create a new (...)
I'm building a screen recording software for Windows using Python. I use FFmpeg for recording and psutil to pause and resume the process.
Here is a sample of my code:
import psutil
import subprocess
process = subprocess.Popen([
'ffmpeg', '-y',
'-rtbufsize', '100M',
'-f', 'gdigrab',
'-thread_queue_size', '1024',
'-probesize', '50M',
'-r', '24',
'-draw_mouse', '1',