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Collections - Formulaire de création rapide
19 février 2013, par
Mis à jour : Février 2013
Langue : français
Type : Image
Les Miserables
4 juin 2012, par
Mis à jour : Février 2013
Langue : English
Type : Texte
Ne pas afficher certaines informations : page d’accueil
23 novembre 2011, par
Mis à jour : Novembre 2011
Langue : français
Type : Image
The Great Big Beautiful Tomorrow
28 octobre 2011, par
Mis à jour : Octobre 2011
Langue : English
Type : Texte
Richard Stallman et la révolution du logiciel libre - Une biographie autorisée (version epub)
28 octobre 2011, par
Mis à jour : Octobre 2011
Langue : English
Type : Texte
Rennes Emotion Map 2010-11
19 octobre 2011, par
Mis à jour : Juillet 2013
Langue : français
Type : Texte
Autres articles (66)
List of compatible distributions
26 avril 2011, parThe table below is the list of Linux distributions compatible with the automated installation script of MediaSPIP. Distribution nameVersion nameVersion number Debian Squeeze 6.x.x Debian Weezy 7.x.x Debian Jessie 8.x.x Ubuntu The Precise Pangolin 12.04 LTS Ubuntu The Trusty Tahr 14.04
If you want to help us improve this list, you can provide us access to a machine whose distribution is not mentioned above or send the necessary fixes to add (...) -
Des sites réalisés avec MediaSPIP
2 mai 2011, parCette page présente quelques-uns des sites fonctionnant sous MediaSPIP.
Vous pouvez bien entendu ajouter le votre grâce au formulaire en bas de page. -
Pas question de marché, de cloud etc...
10 avril 2011Le vocabulaire utilisé sur ce site essaie d’éviter toute référence à la mode qui fleurit allègrement
sur le web 2.0 et dans les entreprises qui en vivent.
Vous êtes donc invité à bannir l’utilisation des termes "Brand", "Cloud", "Marché" etc...
Notre motivation est avant tout de créer un outil simple, accessible à pour tout le monde, favorisant
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Aucun "contrat Gold ou Premium" n’est donc prévu, aucun (...)
Sur d’autres sites (10851)
How to download/convert multiple streams to multiple outputs with FFmpeg ?
16 avril 2016, par Website NewbieLet’s say I have 20 different online stream videos (playlist.m3u8) and I want every video to output to their own .avi files. How can I do that in single file, so I don’t have to download and convert every single one separately ?
I found a -map command online, but didn’t get straight answer to this.
Will this be a working code ?
ffmpeg -i 1playlist.m3u8 -vf scale=768:-1 -vcodec libx264 -crf 24 -acodec copy -map 0 1.avi \
-i 2playlist.m3u8 -vf scale=768:-1 -vcodec libx264 -crf 24 -acodec copy -map 1 2.avi \
-i 3playlist.m3u8 -vf scale=768:-1 -vcodec libx264 -crf 24 -acodec copy -map 2 3.avi -
ffmpeg error on decode
25 octobre 2013, par ademar111190I'm developing an android app with the libav and I'm trying decode a 3gp with code below :
#define simbiLog(...) __android_log_print(ANDROID_LOG_DEBUG, "simbiose", __VA_ARGS__)
AVCodec *codec;
AVCodecContext *c = NULL;
int len;
FILE *infile, *outfile;
AVPacket avpkt;
AVFrame *decoded_frame = NULL;
simbiLog("inbuf size: %d", sizeof(inbuf) / sizeof(inbuf[0]));
codec = avcodec_find_decoder(AV_CODEC_ID_AMR_NB);
if (!codec) {
simbiLog("codec not found");
return ERROR;
c = avcodec_alloc_context3(codec);
if (!c) {
simbiLog("Could not allocate audio codec context");
return ERROR;
int open = avcodec_open2(c, codec, NULL);
if (open < 0) {
simbiLog("could not open codec %d", open);
return ERROR;
infile = fopen(inputPath, "rb");
if (!infile) {
simbiLog("could not open %s", inputPath);
return ERROR;
outfile = fopen(outputPath, "wb");
if (!outfile) {
simbiLog("could not open %s", outputPath);
return ERROR;
avpkt.data = inbuf;
avpkt.size = fread(inbuf, 1, AUDIO_INBUF_SIZE, infile);
int iterations = 0;
while (avpkt.size > 0) {
simbiLog("iteration %d", (++iterations));
simbiLog("avpkt.size %d avpkt.data %X", avpkt.size, avpkt.data);
int got_frame = 0;
if (!decoded_frame) {
if (!(decoded_frame = avcodec_alloc_frame())) {
simbiLog("out of memory");
return ERROR;
} else {
//below the error, but it isn't occur on first time, only in 4th loop interation
len = avcodec_decode_audio4(c, decoded_frame, &got_frame, &avpkt);
if (len < 0) {
simbiLog("Error while decoding error %d frame %d duration %d", len, got_frame, avpkt.duration);
return ERROR;
} else {
simbiLog("Decoding length %d frame %d duration %d", len, got_frame, avpkt.duration);
if (got_frame) {
int data_size = av_samples_get_buffer_size(NULL, c->channels, decoded_frame->nb_samples, c->sample_fmt, 1);
size_t* fwrite_size = fwrite(decoded_frame->data[0], 1, data_size, outfile);
simbiLog("fwrite returned %d", fwrite_size);
avpkt.size -= len;
avpkt.data += len;
if (avpkt.size < AUDIO_REFILL_THRESH) {
memmove(inbuf, avpkt.data, avpkt.size);
avpkt.data = inbuf;
len = fread(avpkt.data + avpkt.size, 1, AUDIO_INBUF_SIZE - avpkt.size, infile);
if (len > 0)
avpkt.size += len;
simbiLog("fread returned %d", len);
av_free(decoded_frame);but I'm getting the follow log and error :
inbuf size: 20488
iteration 1
avpkt.size 3305 avpkt.data BEEED40C
Decoding length 13 frame 1 duration 0
fwrite returned 640
fread returned 0
iteration 2
avpkt.size 3292 avpkt.data BEEED40C
Decoding length 13 frame 1 duration 0
fwrite returned 640
fread returned 0
iteration 3
avpkt.size 3279 avpkt.data BEEED40C
Decoding length 14 frame 1 duration 0
fwrite returned 640
fread returned 0
iteration 4
avpkt.size 3265 avpkt.data BEEED40C
Error while decoding error -1052488119 frame 0 duration 0the audio file I'm trying decode :
$ avprobe blue.3gp
avprobe version 0.8.6-6:0.8.6-1ubuntu2, Copyright (c) 2007-2013 the Libav developers
built on Mar 30 2013 22:23:21 with gcc 4.7.2
Input #0, mov,mp4,m4a,3gp,3g2,mj2, from 'blue.3gp':
major_brand : 3gp4
minor_version : 0
compatible_brands: isom3gp4
creation_time : 2013-09-19 18:53:38
Duration: 00:00:01.52, start: 0.000000, bitrate: 17 kb/s
Stream #0.0(eng): Audio: amrnb, 8000 Hz, 1 channels, flt, 12 kb/s
creation_time : 2013-09-19 18:53:38thanks a lot !
I read on ffmper documentation about the method
the follow :@warning The input buffer, avpkt->data must be FF_INPUT_BUFFER_PADDING_SIZE larger than the actual read bytes because some optimized bitstream readers read 32 or 64 bits at once and could read over the end.
@note You might have to align the input buffer. The alignment requirements depend on the CPU and the decoder.and I see here a solution using
, to android i founded a similar method calledmemalign
, so i did the change :removed :
inserted :
int inbufSize = sizeof(uint8_t) * (AUDIO_INBUF_SIZE + FF_INPUT_BUFFER_PADDING_SIZE);
uint8_t *inbuf = memalign(FF_INPUT_BUFFER_PADDING_SIZE, inbufSize);
simbiLog("inbuf size: %d", inbufSize);
for (; inbufSize >= 0; inbufSize--)
simbiLog("inbuf position: %d index: %p", inbufSize, &inbuf[inbufSize]);I'm getting the correct memory sequence position, but the error not changed.
A piece of outpout :
inbuf position: 37 index: 0x4e43d745
inbuf position: 36 index: 0x4e43d744
inbuf position: 35 index: 0x4e43d743
inbuf position: 34 index: 0x4e43d742
inbuf position: 33 index: 0x4e43d741
inbuf position: 32 index: 0x4e43d740
inbuf position: 31 index: 0x4e43d73f
inbuf position: 30 index: 0x4e43d73e
inbuf position: 29 index: 0x4e43d73d
inbuf position: 28 index: 0x4e43d73c
inbuf position: 27 index: 0x4e43d73b
inbuf position: 26 index: 0x4e43d73a
inbuf position: 25 index: 0x4e43d739
inbuf position: 24 index: 0x4e43d738
inbuf position: 23 index: 0x4e43d737
inbuf position: 22 index: 0x4e43d736
inbuf position: 21 index: 0x4e43d735
inbuf position: 20 index: 0x4e43d734
inbuf position: 19 index: 0x4e43d733 -
How create with ffmpeg a *.mov file which could be opened in default WMP ?
22 mai 2016, par xiaoseHow create MOV, QuickTime Movie (.mov) which could be opened in default Windows Media Player ? Actually, smth. like this : http://cdn.online-convert.com/example-file/video/mov/example.mov
I have files MPEG-1 or MPEG-2 and want to convert it with ffmpeg to the mov. Sure, I can write smth. like this :
ffmpeg -i in.mpg -level 3.1 -vformat mpeg4 -qscale 1 -f mov out.mov
...and this will be Ok. But I need resulting file which will be correct MOV but, may be, without mpeg4 in it and played in WMP without installing any additional codecs