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  • ubuntu - Detect image on screen [on hold]

    16 octobre 2018, par Willian Elmyr

    I’d like to know if there’s any package or command on ubuntu that can detect if a image or similar appears on screen and pipe its output to script.

    I would like to work on a video detection script, basically it would search for a few patterns that could always appear on screen like ImageSearch on autohotkey and then download that video through a bash script.

    I just want to know if there’s a package or command that can detect a image on screen or another method that could get the same results, there’s no need to help with the rest.

    Also it would be better if it could detect non-perfect 1x1 image, as some will have slightly different resolution and quality.

    Thanks !

    It doesnt necessarily have to be a script, it could be a software that then triggers a script.

    Example : What i want