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Les Miserables
9 décembre 2019, par
Mis à jour : Décembre 2019
Langue : français
Type : Textuel
8 novembre 2019, par
Mis à jour : Novembre 2019
Langue : français
Type : Video
Somos millones 1
21 juillet 2014, par
Mis à jour : Juin 2015
Langue : français
Type : Video
Un test - mauritanie
3 avril 2014, par
Mis à jour : Avril 2014
Langue : français
Type : Textuel
Pourquoi Obama lit il mes mails ?
4 février 2014, par
Mis à jour : Février 2014
Langue : français
IMG 0222
6 octobre 2013, par
Mis à jour : Octobre 2013
Langue : français
Type : Image
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ffmpeg drawtext Arabic fonts doesn't render correctly [closed]
11 février 2024, par Mahmoud Abdellatiefwhat i'm trying to achieve :
loop an image into a video and overlay Arabic Text from the Qur'an on it including the text diacritical mark, using a custom font.

example of the text to be rendered :

بِسْمِ ٱللَّهِ ٱلرَّحْمَـٰنِ ٱلرَّحِيمِ

the font used :

font's unicode module :

Unicode Module 
The Research and Development Unit in the Computer Department at King Fahd Glorious Qur’an Printing Complex relied on the unicode system unicode to create (Hafs) font in the Uthmanic Script, because this system is followed globally among computer and systems manufacturing companies in the world.

Unicode organization is a global code group that is used to define all codes and letters used in most of the world's languages and gathered in one code to facilitate the presentation and delivery on information despite of the language used. This global coding uses 1 to 4 bytes (byte = 8 bits) to encode letters, and so far only a third of the number available in Unicode organization to encode the letters of these languages.

Taking into account Hafs font with the Uthmanic Script, which was built entirely on the unicode system. We can explore the basic letters that were formed according to the following figure:

Whereas the font was developed starting from code (0600 ) to code (066FF ) Taking into account there are several encoded letters that haven't been used at all so it was replaces with the code []. The displayed copy above is the one that is been developed from the basic Arabic coding (0600-06FF) which was updated by Unicode organization in 2009.

expected result :
exported video with correctly rendered text using the given font.

actual result :
the text rendered contains only the diacritical marks ( which are the accents on top of the letters ) without the actual letters.

what i tried :
this is my test command which exports just an image for faster results :

Ffmpeg -loop 1 -i "image-2.jpg" -vf "drawtext=text='بِسْمِ ٱللَّهِ ٱلرَّحْمَـٰنِ ٱلرَّحِيمِ':fontsize=124:fontcolor=white:fontfile='UthmanicHafsV22.ttf':x=(w-text_w)/2:y=(h-text_h)/2" -frames:v 1 "output.png"


- tried adding ft_load_flags , almost tried all of them
- tried text_shaping=1 , with no success
- tried textfile instead of text
- tried changing the font, any font i try with it always have different problems, either some squares instead of the diacritical mark

p.s im having same results on both latest ffmpeg compiled by myself on macos terminal with all required libraries enabled , and also on flutter ffmpeg kit full gpl

Correct usage of fdkaac for liquidsoap->icecast
1er février 2024, par user4893295Can't seem to get aac working using
with liquidsoap. It just seems to shutdown.

TBF I have no idea which
to use for "normal" icecast stuff. mp3 works fine, and the icecast server works fine with aac from other sources (BUTT etc).

This is my starting point from the liquidsoap cookbook :

%fdkaac(channels=2, samplerate=44100, bandwidth="auto", bitrate=64, afterburner=false, aot="mpeg2_he_aac_v2", transmux="adts", sbr_mode=false)

And this is my output from liquidsoap :

2024/02/01 20:49:05 [clock:3] Using native (high-precision) implementation for latency control
2024/02/01 20:49:07 [main:3] Standard library loaded in 1.64 seconds.
2024/02/01 20:49:07 [lang:2] WARNING: "set" is deprecated and will be removed in future version. Please use `settings.path.to.key := value`
2024/02/01 20:49:07 [lang:2] WARNING: "set" is deprecated and will be removed in future version. Please use `settings.path.to.key := value`
2024/02/01 20:49:07 [frame:3] Using 44100Hz audio, 25Hz video, 44100Hz main.
2024/02/01 20:49:07 [frame:3] Video frame size set to: 1280x720
2024/02/01 20:49:07 [frame:3] Frame size must be a multiple of 1764 ticks = 1764 audio samples = 1 video samples.
2024/02/01 20:49:07 [frame:3] Targeting 'frame.duration': 0.04s = 1764 audio samples = 1764 ticks.
2024/02/01 20:49:07 [frame:3] Frames last 0.04s = 1764 audio samples = 1 video samples = 1764 ticks.
2024/02/01 20:49:07 [sandbox:3] Could not find binary bwrap, disabling sandboxing.
2024/02/01 20:49:07 [startup:3] DSSI plugins registration: 0.00s
2024/02/01 20:49:07 [startup:3] FFmpeg filters registration: 0.02s
2024/02/01 20:49:07 [startup:3] FFmpeg bitstream filters registration: 0.00s
2024/02/01 20:49:07 [startup:3] Lilv plugins registration: 0.00s
2024/02/01 20:49:07 [startup:3] Frei0r plugin registration: 0.00s
2024/02/01 20:49:07 [startup:3] LADSPA plugins registration: 0.00s
2024/02/01 20:49:07 [startup:3] Typechecking: 1.36s
2024/02/01 20:49:07 [startup:3] Evaluation: 0.01s
2024/02/01 20:49:07 [startup:3] Typechecking: 0.02s
2024/02/01 20:49:07 [startup:3] Evaluation: 0.00s
2024/02/01 20:49:07 [startup:3] Typechecking: 0.00s
2024/02/01 20:49:07 [startup:3] Evaluation: 0.00s
2024/02/01 20:49:07 [startup:3] Typechecking: 0.00s
2024/02/01 20:49:07 [startup:3] Evaluation: 0.08s
2024/02/01 20:49:07 [startup:3] Loaded /etc/liquidsoap/index.liq: 0.08s
2024/02/01 20:49:07 [64_aac:3] Content type is {audio=pcm(stereo)}.
2024/02/01 20:49:07 [cross:3] Content type is {audio=pcm(stereo)}.
2024/02/01 20:49:07 [on_track:3] Content type is {audio=pcm(stereo)}.
2024/02/01 20:49:07 [promos.2:3] Content type is {audio=pcm(stereo)}.
2024/02/01 20:49:07 [promos:3] Content type is {}.
2024/02/01 20:49:07 [current:3] Content type is {audio=pcm(stereo)}.
2024/02/01 20:49:07 [music.3:3] Content type is {audio=pcm(stereo)}.
2024/02/01 20:49:07 [music.2:3] Content type is {}.
2024/02/01 20:49:07 [music:3] Content type is {audio=pcm(stereo)}.
2024/02/01 20:49:07 [safe_blank:3] Content type is {audio=pcm(stereo)}.
2024/02/01 20:49:07 [clock.main:3] Streaming loop starts in auto-sync mode
2024/02/01 20:49:07 [clock.main:3] Delegating synchronization to CPU clock
2024/02/01 20:49:07 [video.converter:3] Using preferred video converter: ffmpeg.
2024/02/01 20:49:07 [audio.converter:3] Using samplerate converter: libsamplerate.
2024/02/01 20:49:07 [video.text:3] Using sdl implementation
2024/02/01 20:49:07 [mksafe:3] Switch to safe_blank.
2024/02/01 20:49:07 [clock.main:2] Source 64_aac failed while streaming: Lang.Runtime_error { kind: "encoder", msg: "Invalid configuration: aot", pos: [at /etc/liquidsoap/index.liq, line 52, char 2-144] }!
2024/02/01 20:49:07 [clock.main:2] Raised at Liquidsoap_lang__Runtime_error.raise in file "src/lang/runtime_error.ml", line 48, characters 14-21
2024/02/01 20:49:07 [clock.main:2] Called from Stdlib__List.iter in file "list.ml", line 110, characters 12-15
2024/02/01 20:49:07 [clock.main:2] Called from Fdkaac_encoder.create_encoder in file "src/core/encoder/encoders/fdkaac_encoder.ml", line 69, characters 2-22
2024/02/01 20:49:07 [clock.main:2] Called from Fdkaac_encoder.encoder in file "src/core/encoder/encoders/fdkaac_encoder.ml", line 73, characters 12-35
2024/02/01 20:49:07 [clock.main:2] Called from Encoder.get_factory.(fun) in file "src/core/encoder/encoder.ml", line 344, characters 8-32
2024/02/01 20:49:07 [clock.main:2] Called from Icecast2.output#icecast_start in file "src/core/outputs/icecast2.ml", line 555, characters 16-67
2024/02/01 20:49:07 [clock.main:2] Called from Icecast2.output#send in file "src/core/outputs/icecast2.ml", line 544, characters 12-30
2024/02/01 20:49:07 [clock.main:2] Called from Output.encoded#send_frame.output_chunks.f in file "src/core/outputs/output.ml", line 256, characters 10-24
2024/02/01 20:49:07 [clock.main:2] Called from Output.output#output in file "src/core/outputs/output.ml", line 192, characters 45-70
2024/02/01 20:49:07 [clock.main:2] Called from Clock.MkClock.clock#end_tick.(fun) in file "src/core/clock.ml", line 318, characters 16-24
Incorrect BOM value
Error reading lyrics, skipped
2024/02/01 20:49:07 [clock.main:2]
[mp3 @ 0x7fd5ad428000] Estimating duration from bitrate, this may be inaccurate
2024/02/01 20:49:07 [decoder.ffmpeg:3] Requested content-type for "/data/dropbox/promos/current/24-7 promo 1 remix.mp3": {audio=pcm(stereo)}
2024/02/01 20:49:07 [decoder.ffmpeg:3] FFmpeg recognizes "/data/dropbox/promos/current/24-7 promo 1 remix.mp3" as audio: {codec: mp3, 44100Hz, 2 channel(s)}
2024/02/01 20:49:07 [decoder.ffmpeg:3] Decoded content-type for "/data/dropbox/promos/current/24-7 promo 1 remix.mp3": {audio=pcm(stereo)}
2024/02/01 20:49:07 [decoder.ffmpeg:3] Requested content-type for "/data/music/Bruno Mars - Locked out of Heaven.mp3": {audio=pcm(stereo)}
2024/02/01 20:49:07 [decoder.ffmpeg:3] FFmpeg recognizes "/data/music/Bruno Mars - Locked out of Heaven.mp3" as audio: {codec: mp3, 44100Hz, 2 channel(s)}, video: {codec: mjpeg, 640x640, yuvj444p}, video_2: {codec: mjpeg, 640x640, yuvj444p}
2024/02/01 20:49:07 [decoder.ffmpeg:3] Decoded content-type for "/data/music/Bruno Mars - Locked out of Heaven.mp3": {audio=pcm(stereo)}
Incorrect BOM value
Error reading lyrics, skipped
[mp3 @ 0x7fd5ad428000] Estimating duration from bitrate, this may be inaccurate
2024/02/01 20:49:07 [clock.main:3] Streaming loop stopped.
2024/02/01 20:49:07 [threads:3] Main loop exited
2024/02/01 20:49:07 [main:3] Shutdown started!
2024/02/01 20:49:07 [threads:3] Waiting for main threads to terminate...
2024/02/01 20:49:07 [threads:3] Main threads terminated.
2024/02/01 20:49:07 [threads:3] Shutting down scheduler...
2024/02/01 20:49:07 [threads:3] Scheduler shut down.
2024/02/01 20:49:07 [main:3] Cleaning downloaded files...
2024/02/01 20:49:07 [main:3] Freeing memory...
2024/02/01 20:49:07 >>> LOG END

EDIT it does seem to be using video, which wouldn't help ? Looking at this bit :

2024/02/01 20:49:07 [frame:3] Using 44100Hz audio, 25Hz video, 44100Hz main.
2024/02/01 20:49:07 [frame:3] Video frame size set to: 1280x720

But no idea why or how to stop that...

Introducing the Matomo Connector for Looker Studio (Formerly Google Data Studio)
26 janvier 2024, par Erin — Community