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  • Les vidéos

    21 avril 2011, par

    Comme les documents de type "audio", Mediaspip affiche dans la mesure du possible les vidéos grâce à la balise html5 .
    Un des inconvénients de cette balise est qu’elle n’est pas reconnue correctement par certains navigateurs (Internet Explorer pour ne pas le nommer) et que chaque navigateur ne gère en natif que certains formats de vidéos.
    Son avantage principal quant à lui est de bénéficier de la prise en charge native de vidéos dans les navigateur et donc de se passer de l’utilisation de Flash et (...)

  • Amélioration de la version de base

    13 septembre 2013

    Jolie sélection multiple
    Le plugin Chosen permet d’améliorer l’ergonomie des champs de sélection multiple. Voir les deux images suivantes pour comparer.
    Il suffit pour cela d’activer le plugin Chosen (Configuration générale du site > Gestion des plugins), puis de configurer le plugin (Les squelettes > Chosen) en activant l’utilisation de Chosen dans le site public et en spécifiant les éléments de formulaires à améliorer, par exemple select[multiple] pour les listes à sélection multiple (...)

  • La file d’attente de SPIPmotion

    28 novembre 2010, par

    Une file d’attente stockée dans la base de donnée
    Lors de son installation, SPIPmotion crée une nouvelle table dans la base de donnée intitulée spip_spipmotion_attentes.
    Cette nouvelle table est constituée des champs suivants : id_spipmotion_attente, l’identifiant numérique unique de la tâche à traiter ; id_document, l’identifiant numérique du document original à encoder ; id_objet l’identifiant unique de l’objet auquel le document encodé devra être attaché automatiquement ; objet, le type d’objet auquel (...)

Sur d’autres sites (9052)

  • What is last click attribution ? A beginner’s guide

    10 mars 2024, par Erin

    Imagine you just finished a successful marketing campaign. You reached new highs in campaign revenue. Your conversion was higher than ever. And you did it without dramatically increasing your marketing budget.

    So, you start planning your next campaign with a bigger budget.

    But what do you do ? Where do you invest the extra money ?

    You used several marketing tactics and channels in the last campaign. To solve this problem, you need to track marketing attribution — where you give conversion credit to a channel (or channels) that acted as a touchpoint along the buyer’s journey.

    One of the most popular attribution models is last click attribution.

    In this article, we’ll break down what last click attribution is, its advantages and disadvantages, and examples of how you can use it to gain insights into the marketing strategies driving your growth.

    What is last click attribution ?

    Last click, or last interaction, is a marketing attribution model that seeks to give all credit for a conversion to the final touchpoint in the buyer’s journey. It assumes the customer’s last interaction with your brand (before the sale) was the most influential marketing channel for the conversion decision.

    What is last click attribution?

    Example of last click attribution

    Let’s say a woman named Jill stumbles across a fitness equipment website through an Instagram ad. She explores the website, looking at a few fitness bands and equipment, but she doesn’t buy anything.

    A few days later, Jill was doing a workout but wished she had equipment to use.

    So, she Googles the name of the company she checked out earlier to take a look at the fitness bands it offers. She’s not sure which one to get, but she signs up for a 10% discount by entering her email.

    A few days later, she sees an ad on Facebook and visits the site but exits before purchasing. 

    The next day, Jill gets an email from the store stating that her discount code is expiring. She clicks on the link, plugs in the discount code, and buys a fitness band for $49.99.

    Under the last click attribution model, the fitness company would attribute full credit for the sale to their email campaign while ignoring all other touchpoints (the Instagram ad, Jill’s organic Google search, and the Facebook ad).

    3 advantages of last click attribution

    Last click attribution is one of the most popular methods to credit a conversion. Here are the primary advantages of using it to measure your marketing efforts :

    Advantages of Last Click Attribution

    1. Easiest attribution method for beginners

    If something’s too complicated, many people simply won’t touch it.

    So, when you start diving into attribution, you might want to keep it simple. Fortunately, last click attribution is a wonderful method for beginner marketers to try out. And when you first begin tracking your marketing efforts, it’s one of the easiest methods to grasp. 

    2. It can have more impact on revenue

    Attribution and conversions go hand in hand. But conversions aren’t just about making a sale or generating more revenue. We often need to track the conversions that take place before a sale.

    This could include gaining a new follower on Instagram or capturing an email subscriber with a new lead magnet.

    If you’re trying to attribute why someone converted into a follower or lead, you may want to ditch last click for something else.

    But when you’re looking strictly at revenue-generating conversions, last click can be one of the most impactful methods for giving credit to a conversion.

    3. It helps you understand bottom-of-funnel conversions

    If SEO is your focus, chances are pretty good that you aren’t looking for a direct sale right out of the gate. You likely want to build your authority, inform and educate your audience, and then maybe turn them into a lead.

    However, when your primary focus isn’t generating traffic or leads but turning your leads into customers, then you’re focused on the bottom of your sales funnel.

    Last click can be helpful to use in bottom-of-funnel (BoFu) conversions since it often means following a paid ad or sales email that allows you to convert your warm audience member.

    If you’re strictly after revenue, you may not need to pay as much attention to the person who reads your latest blog post. After they read the article, they may have seen a social media post. And then, maybe they saw your email with a discount to buy now — which converted them into a paying customer.

    3 challenges of last click attribution

    Last click attribution is a simple way to start analysing the channels that impact your conversions. But it’s not perfect.

    Here are a few challenges of last click attribution you should keep in mind :

    Challenges of last click attribution.

    1. It ignores all other touchpoints

    Last click attribution is a single-touch attribution model. This type of model declares that a single channel gets 100% of the credit for a sale.

    But this can overlook impactful contributions from other channels.

    Multi-touch attribution seeks to give credit to multiple channels for each conversion. This is a more holistic approach.

    2. It fragments the customer journey

    Most customers need a few touchpoints before they’ll make a purchase.

    Maybe it’s reading a blog post via Google, checking out a social media post on Instagram, and receiving a nurture email.

    If you look only at the last touchpoint before a sale, then you ignore the impact of the other channels. This leads to a fragmented customer journey. 

    Imagine this : You tell your marketing leaders that Facebook ads are responsible for your success because they were the last touch for 65% of conversions. So, you pour your entire budget into Facebook ads.

    What happens ?

    Your sales drop by 60% in one month. This happens because you ignored the traffic you were generating from SEO blog posts that led to that conversion — the nurturing that took place in email marketing.

    3. Say goodbye to brand awareness marketing

    Without a brand, you can’t have a sustainable business.

    Some marketing activities, like brand awareness campaigns, are meant to fuel brand awareness to build a business that lasts for years.

    But if you’re going to use last click attribution to measure the effectiveness of your marketing efforts, then you’re going to diminish the impact of brand awareness.

    Your brand, as a whole, has the ability to generate multiples of your current revenue by simply reaching more people and creating unique brand experiences with new audiences.

    Last click attribution can’t easily measure brand awareness activities, which means their importance is often ignored.

    Last click attribution vs. other attribution models

    Last click attribution is just one type of attribution model. Here are five other common marketing attribution models you might want to consider :

    Image of six different attribution models

    First interaction

    We’ve already touched on last click interaction as a marketing attribution model. But one of the most common models does the opposite.

    First interaction, or first touch, gives full credit to the first channel that brought a lead in. 

    First interaction is best used for top-of-funnel (ToFU) conversions, like user acquisition.

    Last non-direct interaction

    A similar model to last click attribution is one called last non-direct interaction. But one major difference is that it excludes all direct traffic from the calculation. Instead, it assigns full conversion credit to the channel that precedes it.

    For instance, let’s say you see someone comes to your website via a Facebook ad but doesn’t purchase. Then one week later, they go directly to your website through a bookmark they saved and they complete a purchase. Instead of giving attribution to the direct traffic touchpoint (entering your site through a saved bookmark), you attribute the conversion to the previous channel.

    In this case, the Facebook ad gets the credit.

    Last non-direct attribution is best used for BoFu conversions.


    Another common attribution model is called linear attribution. Here, you split the credit for a conversion equally across every single touchpoint.

    This means if someone clicks on your blog post in Google, TikTok post, email, and a Facebook ad, then the credit for the conversion is equally split between each of these channels.

    This model is helpful for looking at both BoFu and ToFu activities.

    Time decay

    Time decay is an attribution model that more accurately credits conversions across different touchpoints. This means the closer a channel is to a conversion, the more weight is given to it.

    The time decay model assumes that the closer a channel is to a conversion, the greater that channel’s impact is on a sale.

    Position based

    Position-based, also called U-shaped attribution, is an interesting model that gives multiple channels credit for a conversion.

    But it doesn’t give equal credit to channels or weighted credit to the channels closest to the conversion.

    Instead, it gives the most credit to the first and last interactions.

    In other words, it emphasises the conversion of someone to a lead and, eventually, a customer.

    It gives the first and last interaction 40% of the credit for a conversion and then splits the remaining 20% across the other touchpoints in the customer journey.

    If you’re ever unsure about which attribution model to use, with Matomo, you can compare them to determine the one that best aligns with your goals and accurately reflects conversion paths. 

    Matomo comparing linear, first click, and last click attribution models in the marketing attribution dashboard

    In the above screenshot from Matomo, you can see how last-click compares to first-click and linear models to understand their respective impacts on conversions.

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    Use Matomo to track last click attribution

    If you want to improve your marketing, you need to start tracking your efforts. Without marketing attribution, you will never be certain which marketing activities are pushing your business forward.

    Last click attribution is one of the most popular ways to get started with attribution since it, very simply, gives full credit to the last interaction for a conversion.

    If you want to start tracking last click attribution (or any other previously mentioned attribution model), sign up for Matomo’s 21-day free trial today. No credit card required.

  • How to analyse 404 pages

    1er juillet 2019, par Matomo Core Team — Development, Plugins

    How to analyse “not found” pages (404) in digital analytics

    Have you ever sent out a newsletter and one link wasn’t active yet ? Would you like to know how many users get affected when this happens ? Would you like to know if your visitors are encountering 404 pages ? 

    In this article we’re describing an easy way to analyse “not found” pages on your website with Matomo to increase your visitors’ user experience, user acquisition, and SEO (search engine optimization).

    How to know the number of 404s on my website ?

    There are different ways to get this information. Depending on how your website is built, you may or may not collect this data.

    The easiest way to answer this question is to fire a 404 page on your website, you do this by accessing a wrong url :

    how to analyse 404 pages

    As you can see here, in our case, the page title starts with “Page non trouvée” which stands for “Page not found” when translated in English (as the website we are considering here is in French) :

    404 page analysis

    In this example 19 page views have been fired and it generated a bounce rate of 67%. As a result ⅔ of the visits ended here.

    In some cases, the information related to a “not found” page can be found either within the title or within the URL, as some websites redirect you to a specific web page when a page can’t be found.

    If you can’t identify “not found” pages via a page title or a page URL, we strongly advise you to use this specific tracking code method on your 404 page : “How to track error pages in Matomo ?”

    You can easily set it with Matomo Tag Manager with a custom HTML tag :

    Analysing 404 pages

    where the trigger is the following :

    how to analyse 404 page

    You will however, have to define this trigger as an exclusion for all the other tags which may conflict with it (here below is the new trigger defined for the generic Matomo tags we are inserting on all pages) :

    404 page how to analyse

    Once this specific tracking is set, you will be able to track the source of the 404 and will gather all the “not found” pages in a specific group within your Page Title report :

    404 url

    Here, for example, you can identify that the homepage of this website had a link pointing to a 404, in our case it was

    Note that this is just one technique. You could also create a custom dimension report and decide to send the 404 there also.

    How to get notified when a 404 page is visited ?

    Trust us, you’re not going to check everyday whether a 404 page has been visited. In order to avoid checking it manually, you can define custom alerts.

    There are three possible scenarios when “not found” pages can be fired :

    • internal 404 : one link within your website is pointing to a wrong url on the same website.
    • external 404 : someone from an external website made a link to yours and the link is not correct.
    • direct access 404 : someone access directly to a not found page on your website.

    You can define all those three within Matomo, but in your case, you will only have to focus on the first two only. In fact, you can’t really fix the third scenario. That’s the reason why we’re not focusing on it. It would result in irrelevant alerts.

    Custom alert for internal 404

    An internal 404 is defined from a 404 where the source is an internal web page. As a result, it will look like the following in your report :

    In this example, we’re using this specific custom implementation, the title of the page will contain “From =”. So set our custom alert accordingly :

    Help for 404 pages

    Now every time a 404 page will be fired from an internal page, you’ll be notified by email.

    Note that you can also decide to not receive any email and track the evolution of alerts with the History of triggered alerts feature.

    Custom alert for external 404

    External 404 is almost the same setup. The only thing you need to keep in mind is that we want to exclude the 404 where the source is not indicated. As a result, your configuration will look like the following :

    how to analyse 404 page

    Here your regular expression pattern is the following one :

    404/URL = .*From = (?![^\s]+

    as you’ll want to have any referrer coming from a website which is not Matomo and not a direct 404.


    You can now be notified every time that a 404 is fired from any link.

    Note that this configuration may slightly differ from website to website. So always double check your tracking code and the way the values are sent to your reports. Also try to trigger those alerts first before validating them.

    How to follow the evolution of your 404 over time ?

    It may be interesting to know how good or how bad you are performing in terms of 404.

    In order to check this information, you can click on the evolution icon near the 404 title :

    404 page help

    But you may be interested in accessing this information more regularly without having to create this report each time.

    So, one way to analyse the evolution of your 404 is to create a segment such as :

    and to click after that on evolution icon :

    analyse 404

    As you can see below the number of “not found” pages is quite low in general, but we can also notice that a period received an increase in terms of 404 not found pages on May 27. It may be interesting to investigate it :

    404 analysis

    You can start from the overview of referrers :

    404 page help

    As you can notice here the main source of 404 is coming from direct entries which is the most difficult channel to analyse as we don’t really know where the visitors are coming from.

    How to perform your analysis even faster ?

    As you can see analysing reports in Matomo in order to detect 404 pages is a time-consuming activity. In order to make it faster, you can already create a report about it within the Email reports feature with the following settings :

    • Segment : 404
    • Email schedule : never.
    • Visits summary and Page titles as selected report.

    You will then end up with a saved report listing all the URLs concerned :

    404 url help

    You can also have a look at the “Custom reports” premium feature.

    It will provide you with more flexibility. You will then be able to focus on the most important thing : the cause of 404.

    Good luck and happy analytics !

  • Data Privacy Day 2021 : Five ways to embrace privacy into your business

    27 janvier 2021, par Matomo Core Team — Community, Privacy

    Welcome to Data Privacy Day 2021 !

    This year we are excited to announce that we are participating as a #PrivacyAware Champion for DPD21 through the National Cyber Security Alliance. This means that on this significant day we are in partnership with hundreds of other organisations and businesses to share a unified message that empowers individuals to “Own Your Privacy” and for organisations to “Respect Privacy.”

    "Last year dawned a new era in the way many businesses operate from a traditional office work setting to a remote working from home environment for employees. This now means it’s more important than ever for your employees to understand how to take ownership of their privacy when working online."

    Matthieu - Founder of Matomo

    As a Data Privacy Day #PrivacyAware Champion we would like to provide some practical tips and share examples of how the Matomo team helps employees be privacy aware.

    Five ways to embrace privacy into your business

    1. Create a privacy aware culture within your business

    • Get leadership involved.
    • Appoint privacy ambassadors within your team. 
    • Create a privacy awareness campaign where you educate employees on your company privacy policy. 
    • Share messages about privacy around the office/or in meetings online, on internal message boards, in company newsletters, or emails. 
    • Teach new employees their role in your privacy culture and reinforce throughout their career.

    2. Organise privacy awareness training for your employees

    • Invite outside speakers to talk to employees about why privacy matters. 
    • Engage staff by asking them to consider how privacy and data security applies to the work they do on a daily basis.
    • Encourage employees to complete online courses to gain a better understanding of how to avoid privacy risks.

    3. Help employees manage their individual privacy

    • Better security and privacy behaviours at home will translate to better security and privacy practices at work. 
    • Teach employees how to update their privacy and security settings on personal accounts.
    • Use NCSA’s privacy settings page to help them get started

    4. Add privacy to the employee’s toolbox

    • Give your employees actual tools they can use to improve their privacy, such as company-branded camera covers or privacy screens for their devices, or virtual private networks (VPNs) to secure their connections.

    5. Join Matomo and we’ll be your web analytics experts

    • At Matomo, ensuring our users and customers that their privacy is protected is not only a core component of the work we do, it’s why we do what we do ! Find out how.

    Want to find out more about data privacy download your free DPD 2021 Champion Toolkit and read our post on “Why is privacy important”.

    Team Matomo

    2021 Data Privacy Day Toolkit

    Your guide to Data Privacy Day, January 28, 2021