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  • La sauvegarde automatique de canaux SPIP

    1er avril 2010, par

    Dans le cadre de la mise en place d’une plateforme ouverte, il est important pour les hébergeurs de pouvoir disposer de sauvegardes assez régulières pour parer à tout problème éventuel.
    Pour réaliser cette tâche on se base sur deux plugins SPIP : Saveauto qui permet une sauvegarde régulière de la base de donnée sous la forme d’un dump mysql (utilisable dans phpmyadmin) mes_fichiers_2 qui permet de réaliser une archive au format zip des données importantes du site (les documents, les éléments (...)

  • Publier sur MédiaSpip

    13 juin 2013

    Puis-je poster des contenus à partir d’une tablette Ipad ?
    Oui, si votre Médiaspip installé est à la version 0.2 ou supérieure. Contacter au besoin l’administrateur de votre MédiaSpip pour le savoir

  • Automated installation script of MediaSPIP

    25 avril 2011, par

    To overcome the difficulties mainly due to the installation of server side software dependencies, an "all-in-one" installation script written in bash was created to facilitate this step on a server with a compatible Linux distribution.
    You must have access to your server via SSH and a root account to use it, which will install the dependencies. Contact your provider if you do not have that.
    The documentation of the use of this installation script is available here.
    The code of this (...)

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  • Dreamcast SD Adapter and DreamShell

    31 décembre 2014, par Multimedia Mike — Sega Dreamcast

    Nope ! I’m never going to let go of the Sega Dreamcast hacking. When I was playing around with Dreamcast hacking early last year, I became aware that there is such a thing as an SD card adapter for the DC that plugs into the port normally reserved for the odd DC link cable. Of course I wanted to see what I could do with it.

    The primary software that leverages the DC SD adapter is called DreamShell. Working with this adapter and the software requires some skill and guesswork. Searching for these topics tends to turn up results from various forums where people are trying to cargo-cult their way to solutions. I have a strange feeling that this post might become the unofficial English-language documentation on the matter.

    Use Cases
    What can you do with this thing ? Undoubtedly, the primary use is for backing up (ripping) the contents of GD-ROMs (the custom optical format used for the DC) and playing those backed up (ripped) copies. Presumably, users of this device leverage the latter use case more than the former, i.e., download ripped games, load them on the SD card, and launch them using DreamShell.

    However, there are other uses such as multimedia playback, system exploration, BIOS reprogramming, high-level programming, and probably a few other things I haven’t figured out yet.

    I put in an order via the website and in about 2 short months, the item arrived from China. This marked my third lifetime delivery from China and curiously, all 3 of the shipments have pertained to the Sega Dreamcast.

    Dreamcast SD Adapter package

    Click for larger image

    I thought it was very interesting that this adapter came in such complete packaging. The text is all in Chinese, though the back states “Windows 98 / ME / 2000 / XP, Mac OS 9.1, LINUX2.4”. That’s what tipped me off that they must have just cannibalized some old USB SD card readers and packaging in order to create these. Closer inspection of the internals through the translucent pink case confirms this.

    According to its change log, DreamShell has been around for a long time with version 1.0.0 released in February of 2004. The current version is 4.0.0 RC3. There are several downloads available :

    1. DreamShell 4.0 RC 3 CDI Image
    2. DreamShell 4.0 RC 3 + Boot Loader
    3. DreamShell 4.0 RC 3 + Core CDI image

    Option #2 worked for me. It contains a CDI disc image and the DreamShell files in a directory named DS/.

    Burn the CDI to a CD-R in the normal way you would burn a bootable Dreamcast disc from a CDI image. This is open-ended and left as an exercise to the reader, since there are many procedures depending on platform. On Linux, I used a small script I found once called

    Then, copy the contents of the DS/ folder to an SD card. As for filesystem, FAT16 and FAT32 are both known to work. The files in DS/ should land in the root of the SD card ; the folder DS/ should not be in the root.

    Plug the SD card into the DC SD adapter and plug the adapter in the link cable port on the back of the Dreamcast. Then, boot the disc. If it works, you will see this minor corruption of the usual Sega licensing screen :

    DreamShell logo on Dreamcast startup

    Then, there will be a brief white-on-black text screen that explains the booting process :

    DreamShell booting text

    Then, there will be the main DreamShell logo :

    DreamShell logo

    Finally, you will land on the DreamShell main desktop :

    DreamShell 4.0.0 RC3 main desktop

    At first, I was supremely skeptical of the idea that this SD adapter could perform speedily enough to play games reasonably. This was predicated on the observation that my DC coder’s cable that I used to use for homebrew development could not transfer faster than 115200 bits/second, amounting to about 11 kbytes/sec. I assumed that this was a fundamental limitation of the link port.

    In fact, I ripped a few of my Dreamcast discs over a decade ago and still have those rips lying around. So I copied the ISO image of Resident Evil : Code Veronica — the game I personally played most on the DC — to the SD card (anywhere works) and used the “ISO loader” icon seen on the desktop above to launch the game.

    It works :

    Resident Evil: Code Veronica title

    The opening FMV plays at full speed. Everything loads as fast as I remember. I was quite surprised.

    Digression : My assumptions about serial speeds have often been mistaken. 10 years ago, I heard stories about how we would soon be able to watch streaming video on our cell phones. I scoffed because I thought the 56K limitation of dialup modems was some sort of fundamental speed-of-light type of limitation for telephony bandwidth, wired or wireless.

    The desktop menu also includes a ‘speedtest’ tool that profiles the write and read performance of your preferred storage medium. For my fastest SD card (a PNY 2 GB card) :

    DreamShell speedtest utility

    This is probably more representative of the true adapter bandwidth as reading and writing is a good deal faster through more modern interfaces on PC and Mac with this same card.

    Look at the other options on the speedtest console. Hard drive ? Apparently, it’s possible, but it requires a good deal more hardware hacking than just purchasing this SD adapter.

    As you can see from the Resident Evil screenshot, playing games works quite nicely. How about ripping ? I’m pleased to say that DreamShell has a beautiful ripping interface :

    Ripping a GD-ROM using DreamShell

    Enter a name for the disc (or read the disc label), select the storage medium, and let it, well, rip. It indicates which track it’s working on and the Sega logo acts as a progress bar, shading blue as the track rip progresses.

    I’m finally, efficiently, archiving that collection of Sega Dreamcast demo discs ; I’m hoping they’ll eventually find a home at the Internet Archive. How is overall ripping performance ? Usually about 38-40 minutes to rip a full 900-1000 MB. That certainly beats the 27-28 hours that were required when I performed the ripping at 11 kbytes/sec via the DC coders cable.

    All is well until I get a sector reading error :

    DreamShell ripping error

    That’s when it can come in handy to have 3 DC consoles (see ?! not crazy !).

    Other Uses
    There’s a file explorer. You can browse the filesystem of the SD card, visual memory unit, or the CD portion of the GD-ROM (would be more useful if it accessed the GD area). There are FFmpeg files included. So I threw a random Cinepak file and random MPEG-1 file at it to see what happens. MPEG-1 didn’t do anything, but this Cinepak file from some Sierra game played handily :

    DreamShell playing Cinepak

    If you must enter strings, it helps to have a Dreamcast keyboard (which I do). Failing that, here’s a glimpse of the onscreen keyboard that DreamShell equips :

    DreamShell onscreen keyboard

    Learning to use it is a game in itself.

    There is an option of installing DreamShell in the BIOS. I did not attempt this. I don’t know if it’s possible (not like there’s a lot of documentation)– perhaps a custom BIOS modchip is needed. But here’s what the screen looks like :

    DreamShell BIOS installation menu

    There is also a plain console to interact with (better have a physical keyboard). There are numerous file manipulation commands and custom system interaction commands. I see one interesting command called ‘addr’ that looks useful for dumping memory regions to a file.

    A Lua language interpreter is also built in. I would love to play with this if I could ascertain whether DreamShell provided Dreamcast-specific APIs.

    Tips And Troubleshooting
    I have 3 Dreamcast consoles, affectionately named Terran, Protoss, and Zerg after the StarCraft II stickers with which they are adorned. Some seem to work better than others. Protoss seemed to be able to boot the DreamShell disc more reliably than the others. However, I was alarmed when it couldn’t boot one morning when it was churning the previous day.

    I think the problem is that it was just cold. That seemed to be the issue. I put in a normal GD-ROM and let it warm up on that disc for awhile and then DreamShell booted fine. So that’s my piece of cargo-culting troubleshooting advice.

  • Logic and lawyers

    22 mai 2013, par Mans — Law and liberty

    Reading about various patent litigation cases, I am struck by the frequency with which common logical fallacies such as the Appeal to Consequences are committed. We shall look at a couple of recent examples. In conjunction with the Federal Circuit ruling in CLS Bank v. Alice Corp., Judge Moore, joined … Continue reading

  • C# library for audio resampling that has the same abilities as FFmpeg

    21 avril 2013, par Designation

    I have to use a pure C# solution for resampling audio, which can produce me the exact same results as FFmpeg's audio sampling can.

    FFmpeg first builds some kind of polyphase filter bank, and then uses that for the sampling process (sorry for the vague phrasing, but I'm not too familiar with this topic). According to this brief documentation, the initialization can be customized this way :

    AVResampleContext* av_resample_init(
       int     out_rate,
       int     in_rate,
       int     filter_length,
       int     log2_phase_count,
       int     linear,
       double  cutoff  

    The parameters are :

    • out_rate : output sample rate
    • in_rate : input sample rate
    • filter_length : length of each FIR filter in the filterbank relative to the cutoff freq
    • log2_phase_count : log2 of the number of entries in the polyphase filterbank
    • linear : if 1 then the used FIR filter will be linearly interpolated between the 2 closest, if 0 the closest will be used
    • cutoff : cutoff frequency, 1.0 corresponds to half the output sampling rate

    I'd need to use a C# library that is configurable in the same depth. I've been trying to use NAudio (more specifically, its WaveFormatConversionStream class), but there, I could only set the input and output sample rates, so I didn't get the expected results.

    So, is there a C# lib that could resample with the same settings as FFmpeg can ? Or one that has almost all of these settings or similar ones ? Note : I need a C# solution, not a wrapper !