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  • La sauvegarde automatique de canaux SPIP

    1er avril 2010, par

    Dans le cadre de la mise en place d’une plateforme ouverte, il est important pour les hébergeurs de pouvoir disposer de sauvegardes assez régulières pour parer à tout problème éventuel.
    Pour réaliser cette tâche on se base sur deux plugins SPIP : Saveauto qui permet une sauvegarde régulière de la base de donnée sous la forme d’un dump mysql (utilisable dans phpmyadmin) mes_fichiers_2 qui permet de réaliser une archive au format zip des données importantes du site (les documents, les éléments (...)

  • Publier sur MédiaSpip

    13 juin 2013

    Puis-je poster des contenus à partir d’une tablette Ipad ?
    Oui, si votre Médiaspip installé est à la version 0.2 ou supérieure. Contacter au besoin l’administrateur de votre MédiaSpip pour le savoir

  • Automated installation script of MediaSPIP

    25 avril 2011, par

    To overcome the difficulties mainly due to the installation of server side software dependencies, an "all-in-one" installation script written in bash was created to facilitate this step on a server with a compatible Linux distribution.
    You must have access to your server via SSH and a root account to use it, which will install the dependencies. Contact your provider if you do not have that.
    The documentation of the use of this installation script is available here.
    The code of this (...)

Sur d’autres sites (7970)

  • FFMpeg used in a C# MVC 3 app

    2 février 2012, par Chris

    I'm slowly going mad here and I'll apologise now as this question is going to be vague but I'm really struggling with getting video converting working reliably with FFMpeg. I've tried a few different wrappers but they all seem to go the same way.

    What I mean by that is unreliable converting (told you it would be vague), one time it will convert a video fine with no problems then the next it will just create a empty file. One solution I have tried is with unreliable results. I've currently even tried to get a trial version of a paid solution working (Media Handler by with no joy either. I've worked on this for nearly the whole week and I've still go no closer to a reliable solution. Anyone with any help about anything really would be appreciated as I'm slowly going insane.

  • VLC libx264 streaming muxed as FLV

    24 mars 2012, par Jan Novák

    I have a question on streaming output of libx264. My scenario is that Iam capturing video from webcam, encoding with x264 and then streaming data to flash, muxed as FLV. For muxing, Im using output/flv_bitstream.h, included in libx264 budle. The only modification of muxer, that I made, is that instead of fwrite() im usig send() to transfer data via socket... Encoding library is working fine. If I save output (even muxed), vlc player is able to play it. But, when it goes to data transfer via socket, vlc and flash are not cooperating. The weird thig is, that if Im sending data to vlc player thru socket, it waits till transmission end and then plays video from buffer. But what I need is to play live stream.

    I also tryed to read flv file and send it to vlc of flash tag by tag and it is working fine.

    Any suggestions ?

  • FFmpeg AVFrame to OpenGL texture without YUV to RGB soft conversion

    23 février 2012, par zebeurton

    I want to decode an encrypted H264 video file on iOS. I already have ported our decryption algorithm and it is working fine. However, we cannot directly use H264 hardware decoder due to lack of API in SDK.

    So I am trying to find an alternative to decode H264 video. I am trying to use FFmpeg to decode these video even if there are some possible LGPL license issues. I decode H264 video without any problems and I render H264 frames thanks to OpenGL ES texture. But there are some performance issues. I instrumented my code and the bottleneck is the ffmpeg rescaling and YUV to RGB conversion.
    I know that I can use OpenGL ES 2.0 shaders to convert YUV to RGB with GPU acceleration (related post Alternative to ffmpeg for iOS).
    I also know how AVFrame structure is composed : data[0] for Y data, data[1] for U data and data[1] for V data. But I do not understand how can I use line size[x] with data[x] to transmit data to OpenGL texture.

    Does anybody have an example of AVFrame YUV to OpenGL texture ?
