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Médias (91)
26 septembre 2011, par
Mis à jour : Septembre 2011
Langue : English
Type : Audio
The Slip - Artworks
26 septembre 2011, par
Mis à jour : Septembre 2011
Langue : English
Type : Texte
Demon seed (wav version)
26 septembre 2011, par
Mis à jour : Avril 2013
Langue : English
Type : Audio
The four of us are dying (wav version)
26 septembre 2011, par
Mis à jour : Avril 2013
Langue : English
Type : Audio
Corona radiata (wav version)
26 septembre 2011, par
Mis à jour : Avril 2013
Langue : English
Type : Audio
Lights in the sky (wav version)
26 septembre 2011, par
Mis à jour : Avril 2013
Langue : English
Type : Audio
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How to integrate shared object file of libx264 while using ffmpeg for android ?
5 août 2014, par user3665376I am working with integrating ffmpeg for android .
Since I needed H.264 encoding I need to integrate libx264 with ffmpeg . Given below are the steps I followed .
1) Build the latest libx264 using android compiler tool-chain to obtain libx264.so.142 .
2) Build ffmpeg v 2.3 referring to this with —enable -libx264 option while configuring ffmpeg . The method explained in the blog included some editing in configure file of ffmpeg to generate shared object files with extension format [lib name].so rather than the generating shared object file with extension format [lib name].so.[version] (Since android build system supports files with extension .so only).
The building process was successful but since the generated .so files (after building ffmpeg) has dynamic dependency with libx264.so.142,I need to package libx264.so.142 also with the android .apk file . But since the above format (.so.142) is not supported with android apk building system I cannot package it with the .apk .
So I think the only option I have is to make some changes in configure file of ffmpeg to change the dynamic dependency of libx264.so.142 to libx264.so . Am I right ??
What changes do I need to make to ffmpeg configure file to achieve this ?
How to integrate shared object file of libx264 while using ffmpeg for android ?
5 août 2014, par user3665376I am working with integrating ffmpeg for android .
Since I needed H.264 encoding I need to integrate libx264 with ffmpeg . Given below are the steps I followed .
1) Build the latest libx264 using android compiler tool-chain to obtain libx264.so.142 .
2) Build ffmpeg v 2.3 referring to this with —enable -libx264 option while configuring ffmpeg . The method explained in the blog included some editing in configure file of ffmpeg to generate shared object files with extension format [lib name].so rather than the generating shared object file with extension format [lib name].so.[version] (Since android build system supports files with extension .so only).
The building process was successful but since the generated .so files (after building ffmpeg) has dynamic dependency with libx264.so.142,I need to package libx264.so.142 also with the android .apk file . But since the above format (.so.142) is not supported with android apk building system I cannot package it with the .apk .
So I think the only option I have is to make some changes in configure file of ffmpeg to change the dynamic dependency of libx264.so.142 to libx264.so . Am I right ??
What changes do I need to make to ffmpeg configure file to achieve this ?
x86 : h264 : Don’t keep data in the redzone across function calls on 64 bit unix
20 février 2012, par Martin Storsjöx86 : h264 : Don’t keep data in the redzone across function calls on 64 bit unix
We know that the called function (ff_chroma_inter_body_mmxext)
doesn’t touch the redzone, and thus will be kept intact - thus,
this doesn’t fix any bug per se.However, valgrind’s memcheck tool intentionally assumes that the
redzone is clobbered on every function call and function return
(see a long comment in valgrind/memcheck/mc_main.c). This avoids
false positives in that tool, at the cost of an extra stack pointer
adjustment.The other alternative would be a valgrind suppression for this issue,
but that’s an extra burden for everybody that wants to run libavcodec
within valgrind.Signed-off-by : Martin Storsjö <martin@martin.st>