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  • Modifier la date de publication

    21 juin 2013, par

    Comment changer la date de publication d’un média ?
    Il faut au préalable rajouter un champ "Date de publication" dans le masque de formulaire adéquat :
    Administrer > Configuration des masques de formulaires > Sélectionner "Un média"
    Dans la rubrique "Champs à ajouter, cocher "Date de publication "
    Cliquer en bas de la page sur Enregistrer

  • Des sites réalisés avec MediaSPIP

    2 mai 2011, par

    Cette page présente quelques-uns des sites fonctionnant sous MediaSPIP.
    Vous pouvez bien entendu ajouter le votre grâce au formulaire en bas de page.

  • Submit bugs and patches

    13 avril 2011

    Unfortunately a software is never perfect.
    If you think you have found a bug, report it using our ticket system. Please to help us to fix it by providing the following information : the browser you are using, including the exact version as precise an explanation as possible of the problem if possible, the steps taken resulting in the problem a link to the site / page in question
    If you think you have solved the bug, fill in a ticket and attach to it a corrective patch.
    You may also (...)

Sur d’autres sites (8655)

  • Unable to record and stream screen with ffmpeg in RPI 2

    31 décembre 2015, par aug born

    I am using RPI 2 and trying to record a screen and stream it on udp using ffmpeg. I tried the following lines

    ffmpeg -f video4linux2 -i video="screen-capture-recorder":audio="Stereo Mix (IDT High Definition" -vcodec libx264 -preset ultrafast -tune zerolatency -r 10 -async 1 -acodec libmp3lame -ab 24k -ar 22050 -bsf:v h264_mp4toannexb -maxrate 750k -bufsize 5000k -f mpegts udp ://

    But I am getting error.

    The ffmpeg program is only provided for script compatibility and will be removed in a future release. It has been deprecated in the Libav project to allow for incompatible command line syntax improvements in its replacement called avconv (see Changelog for details). Please use avconv instead.

    Unknown input format : ’video4linux2’

    I also tried x11grab but still getting the same error.

    Please help !

  • ffmpeg crop video from top screen

    18 avril 2020, par dmpower007

    From this


    enter image description here


    To this


    enter image description here


    My code not working because it's crop from both side (top & bottom)


    ffmpeg -i input.mp4 -filter:v "crop=iw:ih-100" -r 0.40 o/output_%04d.jpg


  • lavd/avfoundation.m : Do not use transport controls for screen capture devices.

    4 avril 2020, par Thilo Borgmann
    lavd/avfoundation.m : Do not use transport controls for screen capture devices.
    • [DH] libavdevice/avfoundation.m