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  • Menus personnalisés

    14 novembre 2010, par

    MediaSPIP utilise le plugin Menus pour gérer plusieurs menus configurables pour la navigation.
    Cela permet de laisser aux administrateurs de canaux la possibilité de configurer finement ces menus.
    Menus créés à l’initialisation du site
    Par défaut trois menus sont créés automatiquement à l’initialisation du site : Le menu principal ; Identifiant : barrenav ; Ce menu s’insère en général en haut de la page après le bloc d’entête, son identifiant le rend compatible avec les squelettes basés sur Zpip ; (...)

  • (Dés)Activation de fonctionnalités (plugins)

    18 février 2011, par

    Pour gérer l’ajout et la suppression de fonctionnalités supplémentaires (ou plugins), MediaSPIP utilise à partir de la version 0.2 SVP.
    SVP permet l’activation facile de plugins depuis l’espace de configuration de MediaSPIP.
    Pour y accéder, il suffit de se rendre dans l’espace de configuration puis de se rendre sur la page "Gestion des plugins".
    MediaSPIP est fourni par défaut avec l’ensemble des plugins dits "compatibles", ils ont été testés et intégrés afin de fonctionner parfaitement avec chaque (...)

  • Installation en mode ferme

    4 février 2011, par

    Le mode ferme permet d’héberger plusieurs sites de type MediaSPIP en n’installant qu’une seule fois son noyau fonctionnel.
    C’est la méthode que nous utilisons sur cette même plateforme.
    L’utilisation en mode ferme nécessite de connaïtre un peu le mécanisme de SPIP contrairement à la version standalone qui ne nécessite pas réellement de connaissances spécifique puisque l’espace privé habituel de SPIP n’est plus utilisé.
    Dans un premier temps, vous devez avoir installé les mêmes fichiers que l’installation (...)

Sur d’autres sites (7254)

  • Revision 5563874783 : Backports from the trunk : flvmeta.c (inject_metadata) : Output file is only opene

    11 octobre 2007, par Marc Noirot

    Changed Paths :
     Modify /ChangeLog

     Modify /amf.c

     Modify /flvmeta.c

     Modify /types.c

     Modify /types.h

    Backports from the trunk :
    flvmeta.c (inject_metadata) : Output file is only opened after input file reading
    types.h, types.c : Transformed most conversion functions into macros, to improve
    execution speed.
    amf.c (amf_data_decode, amf_data_encode) : Fixed missing break statements.
    amf.c (amf_string_encode) : Forgot to count the string length prefix size.

  • Launch Leech and the History of WMV

    14 septembre 2010, par Multimedia Mike — General

    I was combing through my programming archives again and came across an old Perl script called This was a private script I used to maintain for the benefit of myself and a few friends. See, there was this site called (URL doesn’t seem to do anything as of this writing but here’s the Wikipedia page). Purchased by Yahoo ! in 2001, Launch still maintained their independent branding. They also carried a lot of music videos, of which I am a huge junkie. was the tool I used to download the videos. This was particularly useful since I stubbornly clung to dialup internet access until mid-2004 and it would have been impossible to stream video at any decent quality (though there were 56k streams, so like I said– not possible at any decent quality).

    I followed for many years. To be honest, I only “followed” in that I figured out where their “latest videos” URL lived and regularly polled it. Each video had either a 6-, 7-, or 8-digit unique ID that could be plugged into the script which would then have a conversation with the relevant servers, determine the correct streaming URL with the highest quality, then download and save the URL by handing it off to an external program (first ASFRecorder, though I later switched to mmsclient).

    At one point, I even wrote a crawler that compiled an offline database of all the videos, their IDs and their metadata. I never thought of anything interesting to do with it, though.

    Windows Media Legacy
    During these glory days of leeching, streamed using Windows Media. I admit, it’s a bit of a blur now — the site might have used Real or QuickTime, but I was obviously most in tune with the WM side. I remember when I first found the site circa 2000-2001, the videos were in MS MPEG-4v3, and the high quality bitrate was 300 kbits/sec. Eventually, would stream WMV7, WMV8, and finally WMV9, with bitrates up to 700 kbits/sec. However, they never broke free of the 320×240 encoding resolution, which was frustrating. When I wasn’t able to notice any substantial difference between 300 and 700 kbits/sec, I felt it might be time to put those extra bits to work on a resolution upgrade.

    At least they were nice enough to re-encode a number of old videos using better codecs and bitrates with each revision, thus prompting me to scan through the site collecting updated video IDs for download.

    I don’t clearly remember when I stopped visiting Video-wise, the web has been a blur of Flash video ever since about 2006. Meanwhile, I spent a lot of time collecting a bunch of music videos in the first half of the decade only to find that pretty much every version of every music video made since the dawn of time is available on demand thanks to YouTube. I have found that this phenomenon manifests in many areas as internet technology marches on.

    The Real Entertainment
    The tool represents a recurring pattern for me. I derive as much — if not more — entertainment from creating programs like (and implicitly reverse engineering something in the process ; in this case, a website) as I do from the intended entertainment media itself. I seem to have this issue a lot with games, too.

    Is this an issue for anyone else ? Am I the only one who would rather play with the box that a shiny toy comes packaged in ?

  • Ajouter un moyen de voir la configuration de php

    27 septembre 2011

    Il peut être intéressant d’avoir dans la configuration un accès direct aux informations de configuration de PHP pour débugguer un site ...

    Pour ce faire, on va rajouté un onglet de configuration dans la partie "Configuration avancée" qui nous permettra en un coup de click d’avoir cette configuration visible.

    On ajoute donc une page ms_config qui montrera le résultat de

    et le tour sera joué.