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13 juin 2013Puis-je poster des contenus à partir d’une tablette Ipad ?
Oui, si votre Médiaspip installé est à la version 0.2 ou supérieure. Contacter au besoin l’administrateur de votre MédiaSpip pour le savoir -
Les autorisations surchargées par les plugins
27 avril 2010, parMediaspip core
autoriser_auteur_modifier() afin que les visiteurs soient capables de modifier leurs informations sur la page d’auteurs -
D’autres logiciels intéressants
12 avril 2011, parOn ne revendique pas d’être les seuls à faire ce que l’on fait ... et on ne revendique surtout pas d’être les meilleurs non plus ... Ce que l’on fait, on essaie juste de le faire bien, et de mieux en mieux...
La liste suivante correspond à des logiciels qui tendent peu ou prou à faire comme MediaSPIP ou que MediaSPIP tente peu ou prou à faire pareil, peu importe ...
On ne les connais pas, on ne les a pas essayé, mais vous pouvez peut être y jeter un coup d’oeil.
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Use SDL2 play yuv file but actually no display [closed]
14 juin 2024, par guan xiI use ffmpeg to demux and decode the media file, and then use SDL2 to play the raw data, everything is ok. no error no warning, but SDL2 windows does not dispaly video content.
All i know is frame dts is ordered in SDL2 play queue and data is good.

void VideoPlay::play_video() {
 while (is_running_) {

 switch (event_.type) {
 if (event_.key.keysym.sym == SDLK_q) {
 LOG_INFO("Q quit");
 is_running_ = false;
 case SDL_QUIT:
 is_running_ = false;


void VideoPlay::refresh_loop_wait_event(SDL_Event *event) {

 while (

void VideoPlay::video_refresh() {
 int ret = 0;
 if (!frame_) {
 LOG_ERROR("frame_queue_ pop failed.");
 is_running_ = false;

 rect_.x = 0;
 rect_.y = 0;
 rect_.w = video_width_;
 rect_.h = video_height_;

 ret = SDL_UpdateYUVTexture(
 texture_, &rect_, frame_->data[0], frame_->linesize[0], frame_->data[1],
 frame_->linesize[1], frame_->data[2], frame_->linesize[2]);

 LOG_DEBUG("frame pts: %ld, tot size: %d, Y size: %d, U size: %d, V size: %d",
 frame_->pts, video_width_ * video_height_, frame_->linesize[0],
 frame_->linesize[1], frame_->linesize[2]);
 if (ret != 0) {
 LOG_ERROR("SDL_UpdateYUVTexture failed. %s", SDL_GetError());
 is_running_ = false;
 ret = SDL_RenderClear(renderer_);
 if (ret != 0) {
 LOG_ERROR("SDL_RenderClear failed. %s", SDL_GetError());
 is_running_ = false;
 ret = SDL_RenderCopy(renderer_, texture_, nullptr, &rect_);
 if (ret != 0) {
 LOG_ERROR("SDL_RenderCopy failed. %s", SDL_GetError());
 is_running_ = false;
 frame_ = nullptr;

log file out put

~/A_CODES/ffmpeg_official/cmake-build-debug ᐅ cat sdlplay.log
[info] [2024-06-14 15:39:33] [/home/xiguan/A_CODES/ffmpeg_official/SDLPlayer/core/sp_demux.cpp:50 init] audio idx 1 video idx 0
[info] [2024-06-14 15:39:33] [/home/xiguan/A_CODES/ffmpeg_official/SDLPlayer/core/sp_decode.cpp:39 init] codec: h264
[info] [2024-06-14 15:39:33] [/home/xiguan/A_CODES/ffmpeg_official/SDLPlayer/core/sp_decode.cpp:68 init] yuv fmt: yuv420p
[debug] [2024-06-14 15:39:33] [/home/xiguan/A_CODES/ffmpeg_official/SDLPlayer/sdl/video_play.cpp:100 play_video] event 0x1100
[debug] [2024-06-14 15:39:33] [/home/xiguan/A_CODES/ffmpeg_official/SDLPlayer/sdl/video_play.cpp:100 play_video] event 0x1100
[debug] [2024-06-14 15:39:33] [/home/xiguan/A_CODES/ffmpeg_official/SDLPlayer/sdl/video_play.cpp:100 play_video] event 0x200
[debug] [2024-06-14 15:39:33] [/home/xiguan/A_CODES/ffmpeg_official/SDLPlayer/sdl/video_play.cpp:100 play_video] event 0x200
[debug] [2024-06-14 15:39:33] [/home/xiguan/A_CODES/ffmpeg_official/SDLPlayer/sdl/video_play.cpp:100 play_video] event 0x200
[debug] [2024-06-14 15:39:33] [/home/xiguan/A_CODES/ffmpeg_official/SDLPlayer/sdl/video_play.cpp:100 play_video] event 0x200
[debug] [2024-06-14 15:39:33] [/home/xiguan/A_CODES/ffmpeg_official/SDLPlayer/sdl/video_play.cpp:100 play_video] event 0x200
[debug] [2024-06-14 15:39:33] [/home/xiguan/A_CODES/ffmpeg_official/SDLPlayer/sdl/video_play.cpp:100 play_video] event 0x300
[debug] [2024-06-14 15:39:33] [/home/xiguan/A_CODES/ffmpeg_official/SDLPlayer/sdl/video_play.cpp:100 play_video] event 0x300
[debug] [2024-06-14 15:39:33] [/home/xiguan/A_CODES/ffmpeg_official/SDLPlayer/sdl/video_play.cpp:100 play_video] event 0x301
[debug] [2024-06-14 15:39:33] [/home/xiguan/A_CODES/ffmpeg_official/SDLPlayer/sdl/video_play.cpp:100 play_video] event 0x200
[debug] [2024-06-14 15:39:33] [/home/xiguan/A_CODES/ffmpeg_official/SDLPlayer/sdl/video_play.cpp:151 video_refresh] frame pts: 67, tot size: 82944, Y size: 384, U size: 192, V size: 192
[debug] [2024-06-14 15:39:33] [/home/xiguan/A_CODES/ffmpeg_official/SDLPlayer/sdl/video_play.cpp:151 video_refresh] frame pts: 133, tot size: 82944, Y size: 384, U size: 192, V size: 192
[debug] [2024-06-14 15:39:33] [/home/xiguan/A_CODES/ffmpeg_official/SDLPlayer/sdl/video_play.cpp:151 video_refresh] frame pts: 200, tot size: 82944, Y size: 384, U size: 192, V size: 192
[debug] [2024-06-14 15:39:33] [/home/xiguan/A_CODES/ffmpeg_official/SDLPlayer/sdl/video_play.cpp:151 video_refresh] frame pts: 267, tot size: 82944, Y size: 384, U size: 192, V size: 192
[debug] [2024-06-14 15:39:33] [/home/xiguan/A_CODES/ffmpeg_official/SDLPlayer/sdl/video_play.cpp:151 video_refresh] frame pts: 333, tot size: 82944, Y size: 384, U size: 192, V size: 192
[debug] [2024-06-14 15:39:33] [/home/xiguan/A_CODES/ffmpeg_official/SDLPlayer/sdl/video_play.cpp:151 video_refresh] frame pts: 400, tot size: 82944, Y size: 384, U size: 192, V size: 192
[debug] [2024-06-14 15:39:33] [/home/xiguan/A_CODES/ffmpeg_official/SDLPlayer/sdl/video_play.cpp:151 video_refresh] frame pts: 467, tot size: 82944, Y size: 384, U size: 192, V size: 192
[debug] [2024-06-14 15:39:33] [/home/xiguan/A_CODES/ffmpeg_official/SDLPlayer/sdl/video_play.cpp:151 video_refresh] frame pts: 533, tot size: 82944, Y size: 384, U size: 192, V size: 192
[debug] [2024-06-14 15:39:33] [/home/xiguan/A_CODES/ffmpeg_official/SDLPlayer/sdl/video_play.cpp:151 video_refresh] frame pts: 600, tot size: 82944, Y size: 384, U size: 192, V size: 192
[debug] [2024-06-14 15:39:33] [/home/xiguan/A_CODES/ffmpeg_official/SDLPlayer/sdl/video_play.cpp:151 video_refresh] frame pts: 667, tot size: 82944, Y size: 384, U size: 192, V size: 192
[debug] [2024-06-14 15:39:33] [/home/xiguan/A_CODES/ffmpeg_official/SDLPlayer/sdl/video_play.cpp:151 video_refresh] frame pts: 733, tot size: 82944, Y size: 384, U size: 192, V size: 192
[debug] [2024-06-14 15:39:33] [/home/xiguan/A_CODES/ffmpeg_official/SDLPlayer/sdl/video_play.cpp:151 video_refresh] frame pts: 800, tot size: 82944, Y size: 384, U size: 192, V size: 192
[debug] [2024-06-14 15:39:33] [/home/xiguan/A_CODES/ffmpeg_official/SDLPlayer/sdl/video_play.cpp:151 video_refresh] frame pts: 867, tot size: 82944, Y size: 384, U size: 192, V size: 192
[debug] [2024-06-14 15:39:33] [/home/xiguan/A_CODES/ffmpeg_official/SDLPlayer/sdl/video_play.cpp:151 video_refresh] frame pts: 933, tot size: 82944, Y size: 384, U size: 192, V size: 192

I try to handle SDL2 events correctly as ffplay but no use.
I also gdb to search anything error but nothing happen too.

washed out colors when converting h264 into vp9 using ffmpeg [closed]
31 juillet 2024, par apes-together-strongI'm trying to convert an h264 video to vp9/opus webm.
Every attempt so far has had washed out colors.
Is there a fix for this issue or is it just the way h264->vp9 conversion is ?

ffprobe of the source file :

Input #0, mov,mp4,m4a,3gp,3g2,mj2, from 'test1.mp4':
 major_brand : mp42
 minor_version : 0
 compatible_brands: isommp42
 creation_time : 2024-07-30T17:03:10.000000Z
 com.android.version: 10
 Duration: 00:01:04.07, start: 0.000000, bitrate: 20198 kb/s
 Stream #0:0[0x1](eng): Video: h264 (High) (avc1 / 0x31637661), yuvj420p(pc, bt470bg/bt470bg/smpte170m, progressive), 1920x1080, 20001 kb/s, SAR 1:1 DAR 16:9, 30 fps, 30 tbr, 90k tbn (default)
 creation_time : 2024-07-30T17:03:10.000000Z
 handler_name : VideoHandle
 vendor_id : [0][0][0][0]
 Side data:
 displaymatrix: rotation of -90.00 degrees
 Stream #0:1[0x2](eng): Audio: aac (LC) (mp4a / 0x6134706D), 48000 Hz, stereo, fltp, 96 kb/s (default)
 creation_time : 2024-07-30T17:03:10.000000Z
 handler_name : SoundHandle
 vendor_id : [0][0][0][0]

There is no data in the inbound-rtp section of WebRTC. I don't know why
13 juin 2024, par qytI am a streaming media server, and I need to stream video to WebRTC in H.264 format. The SDP exchange has no errors, and Edge passes normally.

These are the log debugging details from
. Both DTLS and STUN show normal status, and SDP exchange is also normal. I used Wireshark to capture packets and saw that data streaming has already started. Thetransport
section (iceState=connected, dtlsState=connected, id=T01) also shows that data has been received, but there is no display of RTP video data at all.

timestamp 2024/6/13 16:34:01
bytesSent 5592
[bytesSent_in_bits/s] 176.2108579387652
packetsSent 243
[packetsSent/s] 1.001198056470257
bytesReceived 69890594
[bytesReceived_in_bits/s] 0
packetsReceived 49678
[packetsReceived/s] 0
dtlsState connected
selectedCandidatePairId CPeVYPKUmD_FoU/ff10
localCertificateId CFE9:17:14:B4:62:C3:4C:FF:90:C0:57:50:ED:30:D3:92:BC:BB:7C:13:11:AB:07:E8:28:3B:F6:A5:C7:66:50:77
remoteCertificateId CF09:0C:ED:3E:B3:AC:33:87:2F:7E:B0:BD:76:EB:B5:66:B0:D8:60:F7:95:99:52:B5:53:DA:AC:E7:75:00:09:07
tlsVersion FEFD
dtlsRole client
srtpCipher AES_CM_128_HMAC_SHA1_80
selectedCandidatePairChanges 1
iceRole controlling
iceLocalUsernameFragment R5DR
iceState connected

video recv info

inbound-rtp (kind=video, mid=1, ssrc=2124085007, id=IT01V2124085007)
Statistics IT01V2124085007
timestamp 2024/6/13 16:34:49
ssrc 2124085007
kind video
transportId T01
jitter 0
packetsLost 0
trackIdentifier 1395f18c-6ab9-4dbc-9149-edb59a81044d
mid 1
packetsReceived 0
[packetsReceived/s] 0
bytesReceived 0
[bytesReceived_in_bits/s] 0
headerBytesReceived 0
[headerBytesReceived_in_bits/s] 0
jitterBufferDelay 0
[jitterBufferDelay/jitterBufferEmittedCount_in_ms] 0
jitterBufferTargetDelay 0
[jitterBufferTargetDelay/jitterBufferEmittedCount_in_ms] 0
jitterBufferMinimumDelay 0
[jitterBufferMinimumDelay/jitterBufferEmittedCount_in_ms] 0
jitterBufferEmittedCount 0
framesReceived 0
[framesReceived/s] 0
[framesReceived-framesDecoded-framesDropped] 0
framesDecoded 0
[framesDecoded/s] 0
keyFramesDecoded 0
[keyFramesDecoded/s] 0
framesDropped 0
totalDecodeTime 0
[totalDecodeTime/framesDecoded_in_ms] 0
totalProcessingDelay 0
[totalProcessingDelay/framesDecoded_in_ms] 0
totalAssemblyTime 0
[totalAssemblyTime/framesAssembledFromMultiplePackets_in_ms] 0
framesAssembledFromMultiplePackets 0
totalInterFrameDelay 0
[totalInterFrameDelay/framesDecoded_in_ms] 0
totalSquaredInterFrameDelay 0
[interFrameDelayStDev_in_ms] 0
pauseCount 0
totalPausesDuration 0
freezeCount 0
totalFreezesDuration 0
firCount 0
pliCount 0
nackCount 0
minPlayoutDelay 0

wireshark,I have verified that the SSRC in the SRTP is correct.

This player works normally when tested with other streaming servers. I don't know what the problem is. Is there any way to find out why the web browser cannot play the WebRTC stream that I'm pushing ?