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  • Publier sur MédiaSpip

    13 juin 2013

    Puis-je poster des contenus à partir d’une tablette Ipad ?
    Oui, si votre Médiaspip installé est à la version 0.2 ou supérieure. Contacter au besoin l’administrateur de votre MédiaSpip pour le savoir

  • Les autorisations surchargées par les plugins

    27 avril 2010, par

    Mediaspip core
    autoriser_auteur_modifier() afin que les visiteurs soient capables de modifier leurs informations sur la page d’auteurs

  • D’autres logiciels intéressants

    12 avril 2011, par

    On ne revendique pas d’être les seuls à faire ce que l’on fait ... et on ne revendique surtout pas d’être les meilleurs non plus ... Ce que l’on fait, on essaie juste de le faire bien, et de mieux en mieux...
    La liste suivante correspond à des logiciels qui tendent peu ou prou à faire comme MediaSPIP ou que MediaSPIP tente peu ou prou à faire pareil, peu importe ...
    On ne les connais pas, on ne les a pas essayé, mais vous pouvez peut être y jeter un coup d’oeil.
    Site Internet : (...)

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  • Google Analytics Now Illegal in Austria ; Other EU Member States Expected to Follow

    18 janvier 2022, par Erin — Privacy

    Breaking news : The Austrian Data Protection Authority (“Datenschutzbehörde” or “DSB” or “DPA”) has ruled that Austrian website providers using Google Analytics are in violation of the GDPR. 

    This ruling stems from a decision made in 2020 by the Court of Justice of the European Union (CJEU) that stated that cloud services hosted in the US are incapable of complying with the GDPR and EU privacy laws. The decision was made because of the US surveillance laws requiring US providers (like Google or Facebook) to provide personal data to US authorities. 

    The 2020 ruling, known as “Schrems II”, marked the ending of the Privacy Shield, a framework that allowed for EU data to be transferred to US companies that became certified. 

    The tech industry was sent into a frenzy following this decision, but many US and EU companies decided to ignore the case. The choice to ignore is what landed one Austrian business in the DPA’s line of fire, damaging the brand’s reputation and possibly resulting in a hefty fine of up to €20 million or 4% of the organisation’s global turnover. 

    About the Austrian DPA’s Model Case 

    In this specific case, noyb (the European Center for Digital Rights) found that IP addresses (which are classified as personal data by the GDPR) and other identifiers were sent to the US in cookie data as a result of the organisation using Google Analytics. 

    This model case led to the DPA’s decision to rule that Austrian website providers using Google Analytics are in violation of GDPR. It is believed that other EU Member States will soon follow in this decision as well.

    "We expect similar decisions to now drop gradually in most EU member states. We have filed 101 complaints in almost all Member States and the authorities coordinated the response. A similar decision was also issued by the European Data Protection Supervisor last week."

    Max Schrems, honorary chair of

    What does this mean if you are using Google Analytics ?

    If there is one thing to learn from this case, it is that ignoring these court rulings and continuing to use Google Analytics is not a viable option. 

    If you are operating a website in Austria, or your website services Austrian citizens, you should remove Google Analytics from your website immediately. 

    For businesses in other EU Member States, it is also highly recommended that you take action before noyb and local data protection authorities start targeting more businesses. 

    "Instead of actually adapting services to be GDPR compliant, US companies have tried to simply add some text to their privacy policies and ignore the Court of Justice. Many EU companies have followed the lead instead of switching to legal options."

    Max Schrems

    Removing Google Analytics from your site doesn’t mean that you need to give up website analytics altogether though. There are a variety of Google Analytics alternatives available today. Matomo in particular is a powerful open-source web analytics platform that gives you 100% data ownership and GDPR compliance

    Tweet - Using Google Analytics is illegal in Europe
    Glenn F. Henriksen via Twitter

    Matomo is one of the best Google Analytics alternatives offering privacy by design on our Cloud, On-Premise and Matomo for WordPress. So you can get the insights you need while remaining compliant. As the GDPR continues to evolve, you can rest assured that Matomo will be at the forefront of these changes. 

    In addition, all Google Analytics data can be imported into Matomo so no historical data is lost. To make your migration as seamless as possible, we’ve put together a guide to migrating from Google Analytics to Matomo

    Ready to begin your journey to GDPR compliance ? Check out our live demo and start your 21-day free trial now – no credit card required.

    If you are interested in learning more about GDPR compliance and Matomo, check out our GDPR resources below :    

    What does this mean if you are using Matomo ? 

    Our users can rest assured that Matomo remains in compliance with GDPR as all data is stored in the EU (Matomo Cloud) or in any country of your choice (Matomo On-Premise). With Matomo you’re able to continue analysing your website and not worry about GDPR.

    Final thoughts

    For EU businesses operating websites, now is the time to act. While Google pushes out false narratives to try and convince users that it is safe to continue using Google Analytics, it’s clear from these court rulings that the data protection authorities across the EU disagree with Google’s narrative.

    The fines, reputational damage and stresses mounting from using Google Analytics are imminent. Find an alternative to Google Analytics as this problem is not going away. 

    Getting started with Matomo is easy. Make the switch today and start your free 21-day trial – no credit card required. 

  • What is data anonymization in web analytics ?

    11 février 2020, par Joselyn Khor — Analytics Tips, Privacy

    Collecting information via web analytics platforms is needed to help a website grow and improve. When doing so, it’s best to strike a balance between getting valuable insights, and keeping the trust of your users by protecting their privacy.

    This means not collecting or processing any personally identifiable information (PII). But what if your organisation requires you to collect PII ?

    That’s where data anonymization comes in.

    What is data anonymization ?

    Data anonymization makes identifiable information unidentifiable. This is done through data processing techniques which remove or modify PII data. So data becomes anonymous and can’t be linked to any individual.

    In the context of web analytics, data anonymization is handy because you can collect useful data while protecting the privacy of website visitors.

    Why is data anonymization important ?

    Through modern threats of identity theft, credit card fraud and the like, data anonymization is a way to protect the identity and privacy of individuals. As well as protect private and sensitive information of organisations. 

    Data anonymization lets you follow the many laws around the world which protect user privacy. These laws provide safeguards around collecting personal data or personally identifiable information (PII), so data anonymization is a good solution to ensure you’re not processing such sensitive information.

    In some cases, implementing data anonymization techniques means you can avoid having to show your users a consent screen. Which means you may not need to ask for consent in order to track data. This is a bonus as consent screens can annoy and stop people from engaging with your site.

    GDPR and data anonymization

    Matomo Analytics GDPR Google Analytics

    The GDPR is a law in the EU that limits the collection and processing of personal data. The aim is to give people more control over their online personal information. Which is why website owners need to follow certain rules to become GDPR compliant and protect user privacy. According to the GDPR, you can be fined up to 4% of your yearly revenue for data breaches or non-compliance. 

    In the case of web analytics, tools can be easily made compliant by following a number of steps

    This is why anonymizing data is a big deal.

    Anonymized data isn’t personal data according to the GDPR : 

    “The principles of data protection should therefore not apply to anonymous information, namely information which does not relate to an identified or identifiable natural person or to personal data rendered anonymous in such a manner that the data subject is not or no longer identifiable.”

    This means, you still get the best of both worlds. By anonymizing data, you’re still able to collect useful information like visitor behavioural data.

    US privacy laws and data anonymization

    In the US, there isn’t one single law that governs the protection of personal data, called personally identifiable information (PII). There are hundreds of federal and state laws that protect the personal data of US residents. As well as, industry-specific statutes related to data privacy, like the California Consumer Privacy Act (CCPA) and the Health Insurance Portability and Accountability Act (HIPAA).

    Website owners in the US need to know exactly what laws govern their area of business in order to follow them.

    A general guideline is to protect user privacy regardless of whether you are or aren’t allowed to collect PII. This means anonymizing identifiable information so your website users aren’t put at risk.

    Data anonymization techniques in Matomo Analytics

    If you carry these out, you won’t need to ask your website visitors for tracking consent since anonymized data is no longer considered personal data under the GDPR.

    The techniques listed above make it easy for you when using a tool like Matomo, as they are automatically anonymized.

    Tools like Google Analytics on the other hand don’t provide some of the privacy options and leave it up to you to take on the burden of implementation without providing steps.

    Data anonymization tools

    If you’re a website owner who wants to grow your business or learn more about your website visitors, privacy-friendly tools like Matomo Analytics are a great option. By following the easy steps to be GDPR compliant, you can anonymize all data that could put your visitors at risk.

  • Matomo’s 2021 Year in Review

    13 décembre 2021, par erin — Community

    2021 has been an exciting year at Matomo !

    We’re grateful for all community members who reported feedback and suggestions, our awesome team of translators for their work, and our Premium features customers and Matomo Cloud hosting customers for their amazing support. 

    We wanted to share some quick highlights to remind you of the exciting things that happened in 2021.

    Matomo continues to develop

    In 2021 we released a number of new features including :

    The new SEO Web Vitals feature helps you track your critical website performance metrics, which are a core element of SEO best practice.

    SEO Web Vitals

    Measure the performance of your ads without giving up privacy.

    This exciting new feature supports privacy and compliance requirements by eliminating the need to put third-party advertising tracking codes on your site. Now marketers can easily import conversion data from Matomo into Google Ads, Microsoft Advertising or Yandex Ads.

    Say goodbye to spammers & bots making your data inaccurate and say hello to reliable data. 

    This powerful plugin provides our self-hosting users various options to prevent spammers and bots from making data inaccurate so you can rely on your data again.

    • In 2021 we moved from Matomo 4.1.0 to Matomo 4.6.0, with our new releases delivering over 600 updates to improve the stability and functionality of the product.

    Some of our team’s favourite updates in 2021 included :

      • Graphs now show a difference for data of “unfinished” and “complete” periods, with unfinished periods now indicated by a dashed line.
      • Improvements to Matomo Tag Manager’s debugger – now you can simply enter the URL in a form and click Debug.
      • Dashboards now show proportional evolution comparison for incomplete periods (rather than absolute values).
    • We also rolled out general bug fixes in Matomo Mobile 2.5 for iOS and Android.
    • Continuous improvements to Matomo for WordPress

    In other news

    If you haven’t explored our Marketplace yet, some of our most popular plugins include :

    Matomo Community working together

    MatomoCamp 2021 was a massive success thanks to our passionate community, sponsors and speakers. This virtual event was run by the Matomo Community, for the Matomo Community. 

    MatomoCamp is the first online event developed by and for the Matomo community.

    More people are choosing ethical analytics 

    We surpassed the incredible milestone of 30K active Matomo for WordPress installations.

    How can you get involved in 2022 ?

    Our mission at Matomo is :

    “To create, as a community, the leading open digital analytics platform, that gives every user full control of their data”

    Join our mission by writing about Matomo on your blog, website, Twitter, talk at conferences or let your friends and colleagues know what is Matomo

    Use the Matomo forum if you have any questions or feedback (free support), or purchase a Support Plan to get professional support and guidance.

    To improve Matomo in your language, consider contributing to translations.

    You can also support our efforts by purchasing Premium Features for Matomo or try our Matomo Cloud solution.

    Thank you for being part of our Matomo community, we wish you all the best for 2022 !