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Collections - Formulaire de création rapide
19 février 2013, par
Mis à jour : Février 2013
Langue : français
Type : Image
Les Miserables
4 juin 2012, par
Mis à jour : Février 2013
Langue : English
Type : Texte
Ne pas afficher certaines informations : page d’accueil
23 novembre 2011, par
Mis à jour : Novembre 2011
Langue : français
Type : Image
The Great Big Beautiful Tomorrow
28 octobre 2011, par
Mis à jour : Octobre 2011
Langue : English
Type : Texte
Richard Stallman et la révolution du logiciel libre - Une biographie autorisée (version epub)
28 octobre 2011, par
Mis à jour : Octobre 2011
Langue : English
Type : Texte
Rennes Emotion Map 2010-11
19 octobre 2011, par
Mis à jour : Juillet 2013
Langue : français
Type : Texte
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La liste suivante correspond à des logiciels qui tendent peu ou prou à faire comme MediaSPIP ou que MediaSPIP tente peu ou prou à faire pareil, peu importe ...
On ne les connais pas, on ne les a pas essayé, mais vous pouvez peut être y jeter un coup d’oeil.
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The problem with pydub.AudioSegment.from_file (ffmpeg)
7 septembre 2024, par akkooldaI'm trying to make a normal voice recording discord. When I try to convert an Audio Data object, an error occurs. I've already tried everything I can, I can't solve the problem.

Here is the code, the error occurs in the seg variable :

async def once_done(sink: discord.sinks.MP3Sink, channel: discord.TextChannel, *args):
 words_list = []
 audio_segs: list[pydub.AudioSegment] = []
 longest = pydub.AudioSegment.empty()
 files: list[discord.File] = []

 for user_id, audio in sink.audio_data.items():
 payload: FileSource = {
 "buffer": audio.file.read(),
 "mimetype": "audio/mp3" # Указываем тип аудиофайла

 seg = pydub.AudioSegment.from_file(audio.file, format="mp3")

The error itself

Exception in thread Thread-3 (recv_audio):
 Traceback (most recent call last):
 File "c:\Users\olimp\OneDrive\Рабочий стол\Work on Python\management-followups-bot\main.py", line 66, in once_done
 seg = pydub.AudioSegment.from_file(audio.file, format="mp3")
 File "C:\Users\olimp\AppData\Local\Programs\Python\Python311\Lib\site-packages\pydub\audio_segment.py", line 773, in from_file
 raise CouldntDecodeError(
 pydub.exceptions.CouldntDecodeError: Decoding failed. ffmpeg returned error code: 3199971767
 Output from ffmpeg/avlib:
 ffmpeg version 2024-09-02-git-3f9ca51015-full_build-www.gyan.dev Copyright (c) 2000-2024 the FFmpeg developers
 built with gcc 13.2.0 (Rev5, Built by MSYS2 project)
 configuration: --enable-gpl --enable-version3 --enable-static --disable-w32threads --disable-autodetect --enable-fontconfig --enable-iconv --enable-gnutls --enable-libxml2 --enable-gmp --enable-bzlib --enable-lzma --enable-libsnappy --enable-zlib --enable-librist --enable-libsrt --enable-libssh --enable-libzmq --enable-avisynth --enable-libbluray --enable-libcaca --enable-sdl2 
 --enable-libaribb24 --enable-libaribcaption --enable-libdav1d --enable-libdavs2 --enable-libopenjpeg --enable-libquirc --enable-libuavs3d --enable-libxevd --enable-libzvbi --enable-libqrencode --enable-librav1e --enable-libsvtav1 --enable-libvvenc --enable-libwebp --enable-libx264 --enable-libx265 --enable-libxavs2 --enable-libxeve --enable-libxvid --enable-libaom --enable-libjxl --enable-libvpx --enable-mediafoundation --enable-libass --enable-frei0r --enable-libfreetype --enable-libfribidi --enable-libharfbuzz --enable-liblensfun --enable-libvidstab --enable-libvmaf --enable-libzimg --enable-amf --enable-cuda-llvm --enable-cuvid --enable-dxva2 --enable-d3d11va --enable-d3d12va --enable-ffnvcodec --enable-libvpl --enable-nvdec --enable-nvenc --enable-vaapi --enable-libshaderc --enable-vulkan --enable-libplacebo --enable-opencl --enable-libcdio --enable-libgme --enable-libmodplug --enable-libopenmpt --enable-libopencore-amrwb --enable-libmp3lame --enable-libshine --enable-libtheora --enable-libtwolame --enable-libvo-amrwbenc --enable-libcodec2 --enable-libilbc --enable-libgsm --enable-libopencore-amrnb --enable-libopus --enable-libspeex --enable-libvorbis --enable-ladspa --enable-libbs2b --enable-libflite --enable-libmysofa --enable-librubberband --enable-libsoxr --enable-chromaprint
 libavutil 59. 35.100 / 59. 35.100
 libavcodec 61. 11.100 / 61. 11.100
 libavformat 61. 5.101 / 61. 5.101
 libavdevice 61. 2.100 / 61. 2.100
 libavfilter 10. 2.102 / 10. 2.102
 libswscale 8. 2.100 / 8. 2.100
 libswresample 5. 2.100 / 5. 2.100
 libpostproc 58. 2.100 / 58. 2.100
 [cache @ 000001b25c1c6e00] Inner protocol failed to seekback end : -40
 Last message repeated 1 times
 [mp3 @ 000001b25c1c6840] Failed to find two consecutive MPEG audio frames.
 [cache @ 000001b25c1c6e00] Statistics, cache hits:0 cache misses:0
 [in#0 @ 000001b25c1ac740] Error opening input: Invalid data found when processing input
 Error opening input file cache:pipe:0.
 Error opening input files: Invalid data found when processing input
 During handling of the above exception, another exception occurred:
 Traceback (most recent call last):
 File "C:\Users\olimp\AppData\Local\Programs\Python\Python311\Lib\threading.py", line 1038, in _bootstrap_inner
 File "C:\Users\olimp\AppData\Local\Programs\Python\Python311\Lib\threading.py", line 975, in run
 self._target(*self._args, **self._kwargs)
 File "C:\Users\olimp\AppData\Local\Programs\Python\Python311\Lib\site-packages\discord\voice_client.py", line 868, in recv_audio
 result = callback.result()
 File "C:\Users\olimp\AppData\Local\Programs\Python\Python311\Lib\concurrent\futures\_base.py", line 456, in result
 return self.__get_result()
 File "C:\Users\olimp\AppData\Local\Programs\Python\Python311\Lib\concurrent\futures\_base.py", line 401, in __get_result
 raise self._exception
 File "c:\Users\olimp\OneDrive\Рабочий стол\Work on Python\management-followups-bot\main.py", line 95, in once_done
 await channel.send(f"Ошибка при работе с Deepgram API: {str(e)}")
 File "C:\Users\olimp\AppData\Local\Programs\Python\Python311\Lib\site-packages\discord\abc.py", line 1666, in send
 data = await state.http.send_message(
 File "C:\Users\olimp\AppData\Local\Programs\Python\Python311\Lib\site-packages\discord\http.py", line 374, in request
 raise HTTPException(response, data)
 discord.errors.HTTPException: 400 Bad Request (error code: 50035): Invalid Form Body
 In content: Must be 2000 or fewer in length.

Solving the error, how else can you normally record user audio

How can I fix this, or maybe there are some other options ?

lavc/vvc : Check slice structure
10 janvier, par Frank Plowmanlavc/vvc : Check slice structure
The criteria for slice structure validity is similar to that of
subpicture structure validity that we saw not too long ago [1].
The relationship between tiles and slices must satisfy the following
properties :* Exhaustivity. All tiles in a picture must belong to a slice. The
tiles cover the picture, so this implies the slices must cover the
* Mutual exclusivity. No tile may belong to more than one slice, i.e.
slices may not overlap.In most cases these properties are guaranteed by the syntax. There is
one noticable exception however : when pps_tile_idx_delta_present_flag is
equal to one, each slice is associated with a syntax element
pps_tile_idx_delta_val[i] which "specifies the difference between the
tile index of the tile containing the first CTU in the ( i + 1 )-th
rectangular slice and the tile index of the tile containing the first
CTU in the i-th rectangular slice" [2]. When these syntax elements are
present, the i-th slice can begin anywhere and the usual guarantees
provided by the syntax are lost.The patch detects slice structures which violate either of the two
properties above, and are therefore invalid, while building the
slice map. Should the slice map be determined to be invalid, an
AVERROR_INVALIDDATA is returned. This prevents issues including
segmentation faults when trying to decode, invalid bitstreams.[1] : https://ffmpeg.org//pipermail/ffmpeg-devel/2024-October/334470.html
[2] : H.266 (V3) Section, Picture parameter set RBSP semanticsSigned-off-by : Frank Plowman <post@frankplowman.com>
How to reinsert edited metadata stream information from the FFMETADATAFILE file ? [closed]
6 septembre 2024, par SENYCHI'm working on simplifying and speeding up the process of editing video metadata for user convenience. I've successfully edited metadata streams using console commands, such as :

ffmpeg -i INPUT.mp4 -map 0 -metadata:s:0 "handler_name=An other video" -metadata:s:1 "handler_name=An other audio recording in russian" -metadata:s:2 "handler_name=An other audio recording in english" -metadata:s:3 "handler_name=An other audio recording in japanese" -c copy OUTPUT.mp4

However, I'd like to accomplish this through a ffmetadata file. Here's the approach I've taken :

ffmpeg -t 0 -i INPUT.mp4 -map 0 -c copy -f ffmetadata ffmetadata.txt -hide_banner

Original ffmetadata.txt is :

handler_name=The best video
handler_name=The best russian language
handler_name=The best english language
handler_name=The best japanese language

Edit the ffmetadata.txt file to update the handler_name values :

handler_name=An other video
handler_name=An other audio recording in russian
handler_name=An other audio recording in english
handler_name=An other audio recording in japanese

Attempt to apply the updated metadata from ffmetadata2.txt :

C:\Users\Alexander\Videos>ffmpeg -i INPUT.mp4 -i ffmetadata2.txt -map 0:v -map 0:a -map_metadata 1 -c copy OUTPUT2.mp4 -hide_banner

Despite these steps, I've noticed that only the global metadata is updated, while the metadata for each stream remains unchanged. The console output shows that metadata for each stream is not updated as expected.

What am I missing ? How can I ensure that the stream-specific metadata is also updated correctly when using a ffmetadata file ?

Additional Information :


- FFmpeg version : 2024-08-26-git-98610fe95f-full_build
- The ffmetadata file format and the approach I've used should be correct according to the FFmpeg documentation.

I would greatly appreciate any recommendations or suggestions on how to solve this problem !

I found a bad solution for my problem, but it still isn't ideal as it requires specifying
-map_metadata:s:N 1:s:N
for each stream individually, which is quite cumbersome. Is there a way to simplify this process and avoid having to set metadata for each stream separately ?

The command I’m using is :

C:\Users\Alexander\Videos>ffmpeg -i INPUT.mp4 -i ffmetadata2.txt -map 0 -map_metadata:s:0 1:s:0 -map_metadata:s:1 1:s:1 -map_metadata:s:2 1:s:2 -map_metadata:s:3 1:s:3 -c copy OUTPUT2.mp4 -hide_banner

This works, but having to specify
for each stream creates extra work, especially as the number of streams increases. Is there a more efficient way to handle this ?