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  • Publier sur MédiaSpip

    13 juin 2013

    Puis-je poster des contenus à partir d’une tablette Ipad ?
    Oui, si votre Médiaspip installé est à la version 0.2 ou supérieure. Contacter au besoin l’administrateur de votre MédiaSpip pour le savoir

  • Les autorisations surchargées par les plugins

    27 avril 2010, par

    Mediaspip core
    autoriser_auteur_modifier() afin que les visiteurs soient capables de modifier leurs informations sur la page d’auteurs

  • Mise à disposition des fichiers

    14 avril 2011, par

    Par défaut, lors de son initialisation, MediaSPIP ne permet pas aux visiteurs de télécharger les fichiers qu’ils soient originaux ou le résultat de leur transformation ou encodage. Il permet uniquement de les visualiser.
    Cependant, il est possible et facile d’autoriser les visiteurs à avoir accès à ces documents et ce sous différentes formes.
    Tout cela se passe dans la page de configuration du squelette. Il vous faut aller dans l’espace d’administration du canal, et choisir dans la navigation (...)

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  • Physical Calculus Education

    2 septembre 2011, par Multimedia Mike — General

    I have never claimed to be especially proficient at math. I did take Advanced Placement calculus in my senior year of high school. While digging through some boxes, I found an old grade report from that high school year. I wondered what motivated me to save it. Maybe it’s because it offered this clue as to why I can’t perform adequately in math class :

    Mystery solved : I did not wear proper P.E. attire to calculus class.

  • Basic Video Palette Conversion

    20 août 2011, par Multimedia Mike — General, Python

    How do you take a 24-bit RGB image and convert it to an 8-bit paletted image for the purpose of compression using a codec that requires 8-bit input images ? Seems simple enough and that’s what I’m tackling in this post.

    Ask FFmpeg/Libav To Do It
    Ideally, FFmpeg / Libav should be able to handle this automatically. Indeed, FFmpeg used to be able to, at least at the time I wrote this post about ZMBV and was unhappy with FFmpeg’s default results. Somewhere along the line, FFmpeg and Libav lost the ability to do this. I suspect it got removed during some swscale refactoring.

    Still, there’s no telling if the old system would have computed palettes correctly for QuickTime files.

    Distance Approach
    When I started writing my SMC video encoder, I needed to convert RGB (from PNG files) to PAL8 colorspace. The path of least resistance was to match the pixels in the input image to the default 256-color palette that QuickTime assumes (and is hardcoded into FFmpeg/Libav).

    How to perform the matching ? Find the palette entry that is closest to a given input pixel, where "closest" is the minimum distance as computed by the usual distance formula (square root of the sum of the squares of the diffs of all the components).

    That means for each pixel in an image, check the pixel against 256 palette entries (early termination is possible if an acceptable threshold is met). As you might imagine, this can be a bit time-consuming. I wondered about a faster approach...

    Lookup Table
    I think this is the approach that FFmpeg used to use, but I went and derived it for myself after studying the default QuickTime palette table. There’s a pattern there— all of the RGB entries are comprised of combinations of 6 values — 0x00, 0x33, 0x66, 0x99, 0xCC, and 0xFF. If you mix and match these for red, green, and blue values, you come up with 6 * 6 * 6 = 216 different colors. This happens to be identical to the web-safe color palette.

    The first (0th) entry in the table is (FF, FF, FF), followed by (FF, FF, CC), (FF, FF, 99), and on down to (FF, FF, 00) when the green component gets knocked down and step and the next color is (FF, CC, FF). The first 36 palette entries in the table all have a red component of 0xFF. Thus, if an input RGB pixel has a red color closest to 0xFF, it must map to one of those first 36 entries.

    I created a table which maps indices 0..215 to values from 5..0. Each of the R, G, and B components of an input pixel are used to index into this table and derive 3 indices ri, gi, and bi. Finally, the index into the palette table is given by :

      index = ri * 36 + gi * 6 + bi

    For example, the pixel (0xFE, 0xFE, 0x01) would yield ri, gi, and bi values of 0, 0, and 5. Therefore :

      index = 0 * 36 + 0 * 6 + 5

    The palette index is 5, which maps to color (0xFF, 0xFF, 0x00).

    So I was pretty pleased with myself for coming up with that. Now, ideally, swapping out one algorithm for another in my SMC encoder should yield identical results. That wasn’t the case, initially.

    One problem is that the regulation QuickTime palette actually has 40 more entries above and beyond the typical 216-entry color cube (rounding out the grand total of 256 colors). Thus, using the distance approach with the full default table provides for a little more accuracy.

    However, there still seems to be a problem. Let’s check our old standby, the Big Buck Bunny logo image :

    Distance approach using the full 256-color QuickTime default palette

    Distance approach using the 216-color palette

    Table lookup approach using the 216-color palette

    I can’t quite account for that big red splotch there. That’s the most notable difference between images 1 and 2 and the only visible difference between images 2 and 3.

    To prove to myself that the distance approach is equivalent to the table approach, I wrote a Python script to iterate through all possible RGB combinations and verify the equivalence. If you’re not up on your base 2 math, that’s 224 or 16,777,216 colors to run through. I used Python’s multiprocessing module to great effect and really maximized a Core i7 CPU with 8 hardware threads.

    So I’m confident that the palette conversion techniques are sound. The red spot is probably attributable to a bug in my WIP SMC encoder.

    Source Code
    Update August 23, 2011 : Here’s the Python code I used for proving equivalence between the 2 approaches. In terms of leveraging multiple CPUs, it’s possibly the best program I have written to date.

    PYTHON :
    1. # !/usr/bin/python
    3. from multiprocessing import Pool
    5. palette = []
    6. pal8_table = []
    8. def process_r(r) :
    9.  counts = []
    11.  for i in xrange(216) :
    12.   counts.append(0)
    14.  print "r = %d" % (r)
    15.  for g in xrange(256) :
    16.   for b in xrange(256) :
    17.    min_dsqrd = 0xFFFFFFFF
    18.    best_index = 0
    19.    for i in xrange(len(palette)) :
    20.     dr = palette[i][0] - r
    21.     dg = palette[i][1] - g
    22.     db = palette[i][2] - b
    23.     dsqrd = dr * dr + dg * dg + db * db
    24.     if dsqrd <min_dsqrd :
    25.      min_dsqrd = dsqrd
    26.      best_index = i
    27.    counts[best_index] += 1
    29.    # check if the distance approach deviates from the table-based approach
    30.    i = best_index
    31.    r = palette[i][0]
    32.    g = palette[i][1]
    33.    b = palette[i][2]
    34.    ri = pal8_table[r]
    35.    gi = pal8_table[g]
    36.    bi = pal8_table[b]
    37.    table_index = ri * 36 + gi * 6 + bi ;
    38.    if table_index != best_index :
    39.     print "(0x%02X 0x%02X 0x%02X) : distance index = %d, table index = %d" % (r, g, b, best_index, table_index)
    41.  return counts
    43. if __name__ == ’__main__’ :
    44.  counts = []
    45.  for i in xrange(216) :
    46.   counts.append(0)
    48.  # initialize reference palette
    49.  color_steps = [ 0xFF, 0xCC, 0x99, 0x66, 0x33, 0x00 ]
    50.  for r in color_steps :
    51.   for g in color_steps :
    52.    for b in color_steps :
    53.     palette.append([r, g, b])
    55.  # initialize palette conversion table
    56.  for i in range(0, 26) :
    57.   pal8_table.append(5)
    58.  for i in range(26, 77) :
    59.   pal8_table.append(4)
    60.  for i in range(77, 128) :
    61.   pal8_table.append(3)
    62.  for i in range(128, 179) :
    63.   pal8_table.append(2)
    64.  for i in range(179, 230) :
    65.   pal8_table.append(1)
    66.  for i in range(230, 256) :
    67.   pal8_table.append(0)
    69.  # create a pool of worker threads and break up the overall job
    70.  pool = Pool()
    71.  it = pool.imap_unordered(process_r, range(256))
    72.  try :
    73.   while 1 :
    74.    partial_counts =
    75.    for i in xrange(216) :
    76.     counts[i] += partial_counts[i]
    77.  except StopIteration :
    78.   pass
    80.  print "index, count, red, green, blue"
    81.  for i in xrange(len(counts)) :
    82.   print "%d, %d, %d, %d, %d" % (i, counts[i], palette[i][0], palette[i][1], palette[i][2])
  • Ode to the Gravis Ultrasound

    1er août 2011, par Multimedia Mike — General

    WARNING : This post is a bunch of nostalgia. Feel free to follow along if you recall the DOS days of the early-mid 1990s.

    I finally let go of my Gravis Ultrasound MAX sound card a little while ago. It felt like the end of an era for me, even though I had scarcely used the card in recent memory.

    The Beginning
    What is the Gravis Ultrasound ? Only the finest PC sound card from the classic DOS days. Back in the day (very early 1990s), most consumer PC sound cards were Yamaha OPL FM synthesizers paired with a basic digital to analog converter (DAC). Gravis, a company known for game controllers, dared to break with the dominant paradigm of Sound Blaster clones and create a sound card that had 32 digital channels.

    I heard about the GUS sometime in 1992 through one of the dominant online services at the time, Prodigy. Through the message boards, I learned of a promotion with Electronic Arts in which customers could pre-order a GUS at a certain discount along with 2 EA games from a selected catalog (with progressive discounts when ordering more games from the list). I know I got the DOS version of PowerMonger ; I think the other was Night Shift, though that doesn’t seem to be an EA title.

    Anyway, 1992 saw many maddening delays of the GUS hardware. Finally, reports of GUS shipments began to trickle into the Prodigy message forums. Then one day in November, 1992, mine arrived. Into the 286 machine it went and a valiant attempt at software installation was made. A friend and I fought with the software late into the evening, trying to make this thing work reasonably. I remember grabbing a pair of old headphones sitting near the computer that were used for an ancient (even for the time) portable radio. That was the only means of sound reproduction we had available at that moment. And it still sounded incredible.

    After graduating to progressively superior headphones, I would later return to that original pair only to feel my ears were being physically assaulted. Strange, they sounded fine that first night I was trying to make the GUS work. I guess this was my first understanding that the degree to which one is a snobby audiophile is all a matter of hard-earned experience.

    The GUS was powered by something called a GF1 which was supposed to use a technology called wavetable synthesis. In the early days, I thought (and I wasn’t alone in this) that this meant that the GF1 chip had a bunch of digitized instrument samples stored in the ASIC. That wasn’t it.

    However, it did feature 32 digital channels at a time when most PC audio cards had 2 (plus that Yamaha FM synthesizer). There was some hemming and hawing about how the original GUS couldn’t drive all 32 channels at a full 44.1 kHz ("CD quality") playback rate. It’s true— if 14 channels were enabled, all could be played at 44.1 kHz. Enabling more channels started progressive degradation and with all 32 channels, each was only playing at around 19 kHz. Still, from my emerging game programmer perspective, that allowed for 8-channel tracker music and 6 channels of sound effects, all at the vaunted CD level of quality.

    Games and Compatibility
    The primary reason to have a discrete sound card was for entertainment applications — ahem, games. GUS support was pretty sketchy out of the gate (ostensibly a major reason for the card’s delay). While many sound cards offered Sound Blaster emulation by basically having the same hardware as Sound Blaster cards, the GUS took a software route towards emulating the SB. To do this required a program called the Sound Blaster Operating System, or SBOS.

    Oh, how awesome it was to hear the program exclaim "SBOS installed !" And how harshly it grated on your nerves after the 200th time hearing it due to so many reboots and fiddling with options to make your games work. Also, I’ve always wondered if there’s something special about sampling an ’s’ sound — does it strain the sampling frequency range ? Perhaps the phrase was sampled at too low a bitrate because the ’s’ sounds didn’t come through very clearly, which is something you notice after hundreds of iterations when there are 3 ’s’ sounds in the phrase.

    Fortunately, SBOS became less relevant with the advent of Mega-Em, a separate emulator which intercepted calls to Roland MIDI systems and routed them to the very capable GUS. Roland-supporting games sounded beautiful.

    Eventually, more and more DOS games were released with native Gravis support, sometimes with the help of The Miles Sound System (from our friends at Rad Game Tools — you know, the people behind Smacker and Bink). The library changelog is quite the trip down PC memory lane.

    An important area where the GUS shined brightly was that of demos and music trackers. The emerging PC demo scene embraced the powerful GUS (aided, no doubt, by Gravis’ sponsorship of the community) and the coolest computer art and music of the time natively supported the card.

    At this point in my life, I was a budding programmer in high school and was fairly intent on programming video games. So far, I had figured out how to make a few blips using a borrowed Sound Blaster card. I went to great lengths to learn how to program the Gravis Ultrasound.

    Oh you kids today, with your easy access to information at the tips of your fingers thanks to Google and the broader internet. I had to track down whatever information I could find through a combination of Prodigy message boards and local dialup BBSes and FidoNet message bases. Gravis was initially tight-lipped about programming information for its powerful card, as was de rigueur of hardware companies (something that largely persists to this day). But Gravis eventually saw an opportunity to one-up encumbent Creative Labs and released a full SDK for the Ultrasound. I wanted the SDK badly.

    So it was early-mid 1993. Gravis released an SDK. I heard that it was available on their support BBS. Their BBS with a long distance phone number. If memory serves, the SDK was only in the neighborhood of 1.5 Mbytes. That takes a long time to transfer via a 2400 baud modem at a time when long distance phone charges were still a thing and not insubstantial.

    Luckily, they also put the SDK on something called an ’FTP site’. Fortunately, about this time, I had the opportunity to get some internet access via the local university.

    Indeed, my entire motivation for initially wanting to get on the internet was to obtain special programming information. Is that nerdy enough for you ?

    I see that the GUS SDK is still available via the Gravis FTP site. The file GUSDK222.ZIP is dated 1998 and is less than a megabyte.

    Next Generation : CD Support
    So I had my original GUS by the end of 1992. That was just the first iteration of the Gravis Ultrasound. The next generation was the GUS MAX. When I was ready to get into the CD-ROM era, this was what I wanted in my computer. This is because the GUS MAX had CD-ROM support. This is odd to think about now when all optical drives have SATA interfaces and (P)ATA interfaces before that— what did CD-ROM compatibility mean back then ? I wasn’t quite sure. But in early 1995, I headed over to Computer City (R.I.P.) and bought a new GUS MAX and Sony double-speed CD-ROM drive to install in the family’s PC.

    About the "CD-ROM compatibility" : It seems that there were numerous competing interfaces in the early days of CD-ROM technology. The GUS MAX simply integrated 3 different CD-ROM controllers onto the audio card. This was superfluous to me since the Sony drive came with an appropriate controller card anyway, though I didn’t figure out that the extra controller card was unnecessary until after I installed it. No matter ; computers of the day were rife with expansion ports.

    The 3 different CD-ROM controllers on the GUS MAX

    Explaining The Difference
    It was difficult to explain the difference in quality to those who didn’t really care. Sometime during 1995, I picked up a quasi-promotional CD-ROM called "The Gravis Ultrasound Experience" from Babbage’s computer store (remember when that was a thing ?). As most PC software had been distributed on floppy discs up until this point, this CD-ROM was an embarrassment of riches. Tons of game demos, scene demos, tracker music, and all the latest GUS drivers and support software.

    Further, the CD-ROM had a number of red book CD audio tracks that illustrated the difference between Sound Blaster cards and the GUS. I remember loaning this to a tech-savvy coworker who disbelieved how awesome the GUS was. The coworker took it home, listened to it, and wholly agreed that the GUS audio sounded better than the SB audio in the comparison — and was thoroughly confused because she was hearing this audio emanating from her Sound Blaster. It was the difference between real-time and pre-rendered audio, I suppose, but I failed to convey that message. I imagine the same issue comes up even today regarding real-time video rendering vs., e.g., a pre-rendered HD cinematic posted on YouTube.

    Regrettably, I can’t find that CD-ROM anymore which leads me to believe that the coworker never gave it back. Too bad, because it was quite the treasure trove.

    According to folklore I’ve heard, Gravis couldn’t keep up as the world changed to Windows and failed to deliver decent drivers. Indeed, I remember trying to keep my GUS in service under Windows 95 well into 1998 but eventually relented and installed some kind of more appropriate sound card that was better supported under Windows.

    Of course, audio output capability has been standard issue for any PC for at least 10 years and many people aren’t even aware that discrete sound cards still exist. Real-time audio rendering has become less essential as full musical tracks can be composed and compressed into PCM format and delivered with the near limitless space afforded by optical storage.

    A few years ago, it was easy to pick up old GUS cards on eBay for cheap. As of this writing, there are only a few and they’re pricy (but perhaps not selling). Maybe I was just viewing during the trough of no value a few years ago.

    Nowadays, of course, anyone interested in studying the old GUS or getting a nostalgia fix need only boot up the always-excellent DOSBox emulator which provides remarkable GUS emulation support.