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  • Publier sur MédiaSpip

    13 juin 2013

    Puis-je poster des contenus à partir d’une tablette Ipad ?
    Oui, si votre Médiaspip installé est à la version 0.2 ou supérieure. Contacter au besoin l’administrateur de votre MédiaSpip pour le savoir

  • Les autorisations surchargées par les plugins

    27 avril 2010, par

    Mediaspip core
    autoriser_auteur_modifier() afin que les visiteurs soient capables de modifier leurs informations sur la page d’auteurs

  • Mise à disposition des fichiers

    14 avril 2011, par

    Par défaut, lors de son initialisation, MediaSPIP ne permet pas aux visiteurs de télécharger les fichiers qu’ils soient originaux ou le résultat de leur transformation ou encodage. Il permet uniquement de les visualiser.
    Cependant, il est possible et facile d’autoriser les visiteurs à avoir accès à ces documents et ce sous différentes formes.
    Tout cela se passe dans la page de configuration du squelette. Il vous faut aller dans l’espace d’administration du canal, et choisir dans la navigation (...)

Sur d’autres sites (7100)

  • PyQt6 6.7.0 - How to fix error : No QtMultimedia backends found

    4 février, par Belleroph0N

    Problem on Windows 10 and Windows 11 using Anaconda.


    Here is the full error message for PyQt6=6.7.0 :


    No QtMultimedia backends found. Only QMediaDevices, QAudioDevice, QSoundEffect, QAudioSink, and QAudioSource are available.
Failed to initialize QMediaPlayer "Not available"
Failed to create QVideoSink "Not available"


    Installed PyQt6 using a requirements file :




    Here are a couple things I tried :



    1. Reroll version back to PyQt6=6.6.1. This results in an error as well : ImportError : DLL load failed while importing QtGui : The specified procedure could not be found.

    3. I thought that missing ffmpeg might be the issue so I installed it, but the issue persists.

    5. Tried the setup on Ubuntu (WSL2) and the issue disappears, but there is just a black screen and nothing gets displayed in the widget. (EDIT : Got this up and running, the problem was with differences in file paths in linux vs windows.)


    I am new to PyQt so any pointers will be helpful !


    Edit : Here is generic code (taken from here) that gives the same error :


    from PyQt6.QtGui import QIcon, QFont
from PyQt6.QtCore import QDir, Qt, QUrl, QSize
from PyQt6.QtMultimedia import QMediaPlayer
from PyQt6.QtMultimediaWidgets import QVideoWidget
from PyQt6.QtWidgets import (QApplication, QFileDialog, QHBoxLayout, QLabel, QStyleFactory,
        QPushButton, QSizePolicy, QSlider, QStyle, QVBoxLayout, QWidget, QStatusBar)

class VideoPlayer(QWidget):

    def __init__(self, parent=None):
        super(VideoPlayer, self).__init__(parent)

        self.mediaPlayer = QMediaPlayer()

        btnSize = QSize(16, 16)
        videoWidget = QVideoWidget()

        openButton = QPushButton("Open Video")   
        openButton.setToolTip("Open Video File")
        openButton.setStatusTip("Open Video File")
        openButton.setFont(QFont("Noto Sans", 8))
        openButton.setIcon(QIcon.fromTheme("document-open", QIcon("D:/_Qt/img/open.png")))

        self.playButton = QPushButton()

        self.positionSlider = QSlider(Qt.Orientation.Horizontal)
        self.positionSlider.setRange(0, 0)

        self.statusBar = QStatusBar()
        self.statusBar.setFont(QFont("Noto Sans", 7))

        controlLayout = QHBoxLayout()
        controlLayout.setContentsMargins(0, 0, 0, 0)

        layout = QVBoxLayout()



    def abrir(self):
        fileName, _ = QFileDialog.getOpenFileName(self, "Select Media",
                ".", "Video Files (*.mp4 *.flv *.ts *.mts *.avi)")

        if fileName != '':

    def play(self):
        if self.mediaPlayer.playbackState() == QMediaPlayer.PlaybackState.PlayingState:

    def mediaStateChanged(self, state):
        if self.mediaPlayer.playbackState() == QMediaPlayer.PlaybackState.PlayingState:

    def positionChanged(self, position):

    def durationChanged(self, duration):
        self.positionSlider.setRange(0, duration)

    def setPosition(self, position):

    def handleError(self):
        self.statusBar.showMessage("Error: " + self.mediaPlayer.errorString())

if __name__ == '__main__':
    import sys
    app = QApplication(sys.argv)
    player = VideoPlayer()
    player.resize(900, 600)


    The videos I want to play are in the same folder as this .py file.
The conda env (python 3.9.2) I am working on has the following packages :


    certifi                     2024.6.2
charset-normalizer          3.3.2
idna                        3.7
pip                         24.0
pynput                      1.7.6
PyQt6                       6.7.0
PyQt6-Qt6                   6.7.1
PyQt6-sip                   13.6.0
PyQt6-WebEngine             6.7.0
PyQt6-WebEngine-Qt6         6.7.1
PyQt6-WebEngineSubwheel-Qt6 6.7.1
pyserial                    3.5
requests                    2.31.0
setuptools                  69.5.1
six                         1.16.0
urllib3                     2.2.1
wheel                       0.43.0


    PS : MacOS seems to have the same issue.


  • ffmpeg Command in Docker with Rust Tokio Closes Warp Server Connection (curl 52 Error)

    3 juin 2024, par user762345

    I’m encountering an issue where executing an ffmpeg concatenation command through Rust’s Tokio process in a Docker container causes subsequent HTTP requests to fail. The error occurs exclusively after running the ffmpeg command and making immediate requests, resulting in a “curl 52 empty response from server” error with the connection being closed. Notably, this issue does not occur when running the same setup outside of Docker. Additionally, if no HTTP requests are made after the ffmpeg command, the curl 52 error does not occur.


    Here is the verbose curl output of my minimum reproducible example (see below).


    curl -v "http://localhost:3030"
*   Trying
* Connected to localhost ( port 3030 (#0)
> GET / HTTP/1.1
> Host: localhost:3030
> User-Agent: curl/8.1.2
> Accept: */*
* Empty reply from server
* Closing connection 0
curl: (52) Empty reply from server


    Here are Docker logs from my minimum reproducible example (see below). The wav files are concatenated successfully, then the container appears to rebuild.


    [2024-06-03T05:26:58Z INFO  minimal_docker_webserver_post_error] Starting server on
[2024-06-03T05:26:58Z INFO  warp::server] Server::run; addr=
[2024-06-03T05:26:58Z INFO  warp::server] listening on
[2024-06-03T05:27:07Z INFO  minimal_docker_webserver_post_error] WAV files concatenated successfully
[Running 'cargo run']
    Finished `dev` profile [unoptimized + debuginfo] target(s) in 0.06s
     Running `target/debug/minimal_docker_webserver_post_error`
[2024-06-03T05:27:08Z INFO  minimal_docker_webserver_post_error] Starting server on
[2024-06-03T05:27:08Z INFO  warp::server] Server::run; addr=
[2024-06-03T05:27:08Z INFO  warp::server] listening on


    What I have tried :
I tried using different web frameworks (Warp, Actix-web) and request crates (reqwest, ureq). I also tried running the setup outside of Docker, which worked as expected without any issues. Additionally, I tried running the setup in Docker without making any HTTP requests after the ffmpeg command, and the connection closed successfully without errors. I also tried posting to httpbin with a minimal request, but the issue persisted.


    Minimum reproducible example :



    use warp::Filter;&#xA;use reqwest::Client;&#xA;use std::convert::Infallible;&#xA;use log::{info, error};&#xA;use env_logger;&#xA;use tokio::process::Command;&#xA;&#xA;#[tokio::main]&#xA;async fn main() {&#xA;    std::env::set_var("RUST_LOG", "debug");&#xA;    env_logger::init();&#xA;&#xA;    let route = warp::path::end()&#xA;        .and_then(handle_request);&#xA;&#xA;    info!("Starting server on");&#xA;    warp::serve(route)&#xA;        .run(([0, 0, 0, 0], 3030))&#xA;        .await;&#xA;}&#xA;&#xA;async fn handle_request() -> Result<impl infallible="infallible"> {&#xA;    let client = Client::new();&#xA;&#xA;    let output = Command::new("ffmpeg")&#xA;        .args(&amp;[&#xA;            "y",&#xA;            "-i", "concat:/usr/src/minimal_docker_webserver_post_error/file1.wav|/usr/src/minimal_docker_webserver_post_error/file2.wav",&#xA;            "-c", "copy",&#xA;            "/usr/src/minimal_docker_webserver_post_error/combined.wav"&#xA;        ])&#xA;        .output()&#xA;        .await;&#xA;&#xA;    match output {&#xA;        Ok(output) => {&#xA;            if output.status.success() {&#xA;                info!("WAV files concatenated successfully");&#xA;            } else {&#xA;                error!("Failed to concatenate WAV files: {:?}", output);&#xA;                return Ok(warp::reply::with_status("Failed to concatenate WAV files", warp::http::StatusCode::INTERNAL_SERVER_ERROR));&#xA;            }&#xA;        },&#xA;        Err(e) => {&#xA;            error!("Failed to execute ffmpeg: {:?}", e);&#xA;            return Ok(warp::reply::with_status("Failed to execute ffmpeg", warp::http::StatusCode::INTERNAL_SERVER_ERROR));&#xA;        }&#xA;    }&#xA;&#xA;    // ISSUE: Connection closes with curl: (52) Empty reply from server&#xA;    match client.get("").send().await {&#xA;        Ok(response) => info!("GET request successful: {:?}", response),&#xA;        Err(e) => error!("GET request failed: {:?}", e),&#xA;    }&#xA;&#xA;    match"")&#xA;        .body("field1=value1&amp;field2=value2")&#xA;        .send().await {&#xA;        Ok(response) => info!("POST request successful: {:?}", response),&#xA;        Err(e) => error!("POST request failed: {:?}", e),&#xA;    }&#xA;&#xA;    Ok(warp::reply::with_status("Request handled", warp::http::StatusCode::OK))&#xA;}&#xA;</impl>


    FFMPEG command to generate the two wav files for concatenation


    ffmpeg -f lavfi -i "sine=frequency=1000:duration=5" file1.wav &amp;&amp; ffmpeg -f lavfi -i "sine=frequency=500:duration=5" file2.wav&#xA;




    # Use the official Rust image as the base image&#xA;FROM rust:latest&#xA;&#xA;# Install cargo-watch&#xA;RUN cargo install cargo-watch&#xA;&#xA;# Install ffmpeg&#xA;RUN apt-get update &amp;&amp; apt-get install -y ffmpeg&#xA;&#xA;# Set the working directory inside the container&#xA;WORKDIR /usr/src/minimal_docker_webserver_post_error&#xA;&#xA;# Copy the Cargo.toml and Cargo.lock files&#xA;COPY Cargo.toml Cargo.lock ./&#xA;&#xA;# Copy the source code&#xA;COPY src ./src&#xA;&#xA;# Copy wav files&#xA;COPY file1.wav /usr/src/minimal_docker_webserver_post_error/file1.wav&#xA;COPY file2.wav /usr/src/minimal_docker_webserver_post_error/file2.wav&#xA;&#xA;# Install dependencies&#xA;RUN cargo build --release&#xA;&#xA;# Expose the port that the application will run on&#xA;EXPOSE 3030&#xA;&#xA;# Set the entry point to use cargo-watch&#xA;CMD ["cargo", "watch", "-x", "run"]&#xA;




    [package]&#xA;name = "minimal_docker_webserver_post_error"&#xA;version = "0.1.0"&#xA;edition = "2021"&#xA;&#xA;# See more keys and their definitions at;&#xA;[dependencies]&#xA;warp = "0.3"&#xA;reqwest = { version = "0.12.4", features = ["json"] }&#xA;tokio = { version = "1", features = ["full"] }&#xA;log = "0.4"&#xA;env_logger = "0.11.3"&#xA;


    Making the request to the warp server


    curl -v "http://localhost:3030"&#xA;


  • ffmpeg fast seek large MP4 over HTTP

    28 juillet 2024, par Gmanicus

    I'm attempting to download snapshots from a video provided by the U.S House of Representatives :



    I am using fluent-ffmpeg in Node to execute this command :


    ffmpeg(&#x27;;)&#xA;  .inputOption(`-ss 03:33:33`)&#xA;  .outputOptions([&#xA;     &#x27;-vframes 1&#x27;&#xA;  ])&#xA;  .output(&#x27;test.png&#x27;)&#xA;&#xA;// Effectively:&#xA;// ffmpeg -ss 03:33:33 -i  -y -vframes 1 test.png&#xA;


    My intention is to fast-seek to the desired timestamp and take a snapshot over HTTP. However, when doing so, the performance is not great. A snapshot takes about 10s per 3hrs of video and seems to increase fairly linearly at that rate.


    However, when using ffmpeg on the same video locally, it's super fast ! Sub-500ms regardless of the desired timestamp.


    Is there some magic that could be done via ffmpeg options or perhaps some sort of technique with manual requests to get a snapshot at the desired segment of video more efficiently ?
