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  • Le profil des utilisateurs

    12 avril 2011, par

    Chaque utilisateur dispose d’une page de profil lui permettant de modifier ses informations personnelle. Dans le menu de haut de page par défaut, un élément de menu est automatiquement créé à l’initialisation de MediaSPIP, visible uniquement si le visiteur est identifié sur le site.
    L’utilisateur a accès à la modification de profil depuis sa page auteur, un lien dans la navigation "Modifier votre profil" est (...)

  • L’espace de configuration de MediaSPIP

    29 novembre 2010, par

    L’espace de configuration de MediaSPIP est réservé aux administrateurs. Un lien de menu "administrer" est généralement affiché en haut de la page [1].
    Il permet de configurer finement votre site.
    La navigation de cet espace de configuration est divisé en trois parties : la configuration générale du site qui permet notamment de modifier : les informations principales concernant le site (...)

  • Contribute to a better visual interface

    13 avril 2011

    MediaSPIP is based on a system of themes and templates. Templates define the placement of information on the page, and can be adapted to a wide range of uses. Themes define the overall graphic appearance of the site.
    Anyone can submit a new graphic theme or template and make it available to the MediaSPIP community.

Sur d’autres sites (8458)

  • Analytics for the Internet of Things : collecting all your things’ data with Piwik to stay in control ?

    25 novembre 2015, par Matthieu Aubry — About

    At Piwik and Piwik PRO, our mission is to create the leading free and open source analytics platform, and supporting global organisations and communities to keep full control over their data.

    Our broad mission started 8 years ago and we focused at first helping people to liberate their website analytics data, then liberate their mobile app analytics data. But it is clear that there is much more than Web + Mobile : data is everywhere and a lot more data is being generated by software, people and their activities, robots, sensors…

    I’d like to share an interesting article which highlights one of the growing trends of technology : the rise of the Internet Of Things : 6 Ways Analytics And The Internet Of Things Will Transform Business.

    Here is an extract :

    The tech industry is no stranger to change, but the data derived from the IoT is taking disruption to a new level.

    At IBM’s Insight conference last month, Bob Picciano, senior vice president of IBM Analytics, talked about the rise of the “cognitive business”, or an enterprise that engages with analytics to improve its customer relations, business processes, and decision-making capabilities.

    There are dueling predictions over how ubiquitous the Internet of Things will be, but most indicate that the marketplace will host between 50 and 75 billion connected objects by 2020, signaling novel challenges for hardware manufacturing and development. Software engineers, likewise, may need to completely revamp programs to better exploit the influx of data, while innovators need to wrestle with the changes wrought by analytics.

    IBM’s Insight event unfolded in light of this wave of disruption. The lineup of corporate presenters converged on the same message : Analytics is for everyone, and your viability in the marketplace depends on it.


    IBM’s Insight 2015 conference sounded off on the most important trends in data usage and management. It also served a wake-up call for developers, engineers, and tech leaders. As the Internet of Things alters the landscape of analytics, hardware design needs to change, software development requires novel approaches, and tech management must become more agile in order to realize data’s greatest benefits.

    So far there are 1 million websites using Piwik… but what if there could be 10 or 50 million things (sensors, devices) being measured by Piwik ?

    Together we will be creating the best open source and generic analytics platform, that is engineered to last, and designed to help humanity keep control and gain Freedom.

    We aim for Piwik to be the ideal platform to measure the Internet Of Things.

    We’re still at the beginning of this journey and it will take the best of all of us to get there.

    See you on the way !

    PS : if you’d like to get involved with Piwik, we would be glad to welcome you !

  • avfilter/af_apsyclip : increase protection for high frequencies

    29 janvier 2022, par Jason Jang
    avfilter/af_apsyclip : increase protection for high frequencies

    This reduces sibilance distortion when sibilance and bass are
    present at the same time. Bringing the protection of high
    frequencies up to about the same level as for low frequencies
    should also make the quality less dependent on the frequency
    balance of the playback system.

    Signed-off-by : Jason Jang <>

    • [DH] libavfilter/af_apsyclip.c
  • avformat/avio : privatize source of truth for AVIOContext::written

    13 octobre 2021, par Jan Ekström
    avformat/avio : privatize source of truth for AVIOContext::written

    Looking at 3f75e5116b900f1428aa13041fc7d6301bf1988a, the field
    was supposed to be private, but during merging the field and the
    group that had the comment about it got separated.

    Thus, move the actual privately utilized state of this variable
    into the private FFIOContext. Additionally, name the private field
    somewhat better, so that it does not get confused with the amount
    of bytes written out.

    • [DH] libavformat/avio_internal.h
    • [DH] libavformat/aviobuf.c