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  • Support audio et vidéo HTML5

    10 avril 2011

    MediaSPIP utilise les balises HTML5 video et audio pour la lecture de documents multimedia en profitant des dernières innovations du W3C supportées par les navigateurs modernes.
    Pour les navigateurs plus anciens, le lecteur flash Flowplayer est utilisé.
    Le lecteur HTML5 utilisé a été spécifiquement créé pour MediaSPIP : il est complètement modifiable graphiquement pour correspondre à un thème choisi.
    Ces technologies permettent de distribuer vidéo et son à la fois sur des ordinateurs conventionnels (...)

  • Les images

    15 mai 2013
  • Taille des images et des logos définissables

    9 février 2011, par

    Dans beaucoup d’endroits du site, logos et images sont redimensionnées pour correspondre aux emplacements définis par les thèmes. L’ensemble des ces tailles pouvant changer d’un thème à un autre peuvent être définies directement dans le thème et éviter ainsi à l’utilisateur de devoir les configurer manuellement après avoir changé l’apparence de son site.
    Ces tailles d’images sont également disponibles dans la configuration spécifique de MediaSPIP Core. La taille maximale du logo du site en pixels, on permet (...)

Sur d’autres sites (9206)

  • It’s Piwik Analytics Survey time : Your Opinion Matters !

    10 juillet 2014, par Piwik Core Team — Community

    It’s been almost two years since our last survey. We were so happy to get the participation we did from the community last time and hope that you will once again share your thoughts !

    Piwik Survey

    Fill in the survey

    Looking back on the previous survey, several features were implemented as a direct result :

    • New app design with Morpheus theme
    • Piwik Marketplace for Plugins
    • Visitor Profile
    • Performance and Reliability Improvements
    • Theming
    • Migrated from SVN to Github !
    • And much more…

    Now it is time to ask for your opinion again. Sure it’s only 20 short questions, but your time you take and energy you place in this endeavour will shape Piwik development and features for the near future. We really look forward to your ideas, your opinions and your suggestions. To get started click the box (or link) below :

    Piwik Survey

    Fill in the survey !

    By the way, if you haven’t already make sure you sign up for our newsletter to make sure you get the latest Piwik news and information to your inbox ! You can subscribe here.
  • It’s Piwik Analytics Survey time : Your Opinion Matters !

    10 juillet 2014, par Piwik Core Team — Community

    It’s been almost two years since our last survey. We were so happy to get the participation we did from the community last time and hope that you will once again share your thoughts !

    Piwik Survey

    Fill in the survey

    Looking back on the previous survey, several features were implemented as a direct result :

    • New app design with Morpheus theme
    • Piwik Marketplace for Plugins
    • Visitor Profile
    • Performance and Reliability Improvements
    • Theming
    • Migrated from SVN to Github !
    • And much more…

    Now it is time to ask for your opinion again. Sure it’s only 20 short questions, but your time you take and energy you place in this endeavour will shape Piwik development and features for the near future. We really look forward to your ideas, your opinions and your suggestions. To get started click the box (or link) below :

    Piwik Survey

    Fill in the survey !

    By the way, if you haven’t already make sure you sign up for our newsletter to make sure you get the latest Piwik news and information to your inbox ! You can subscribe here.
  • Video portal web form site having issues on Azure server

    18 septembre 2015, par Ahmed Mujtaba

    I have a website built on ASP.NET web forms that works as a media portal for users to upload videos. I’m using ffmpeg encoders to produce video contents to be streamed in the browser. I’m using the web deploy method to publish the site on the Azure server. The website get’s deployed properly however I get following issues in the live site.

    1. Video never get’s encoded and published. I get some sort of error.

    2. Video get’s published but the process of uploading and encoding the video is way too slow on the web server.

    3. The home page of the website has a video wallpaper. The video reference is in the directory videowall that is in the root directory of the project. The video plays fine on the local server but the web server says it couldn’t find the file to play even though it’s present in the ftp root directory.

    My project solution contains upload.ashx that handles the upload requests and makes the call to encode.ashx which is responsible for the encoding and publishing of the videos. I tried to remotely debug the site but the debugger never get’s to encode.ashx.

    I was wondering if these issues can be resolved by having the website deployed with a VM ?