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  • Qu’est ce qu’un éditorial

    21 juin 2013, par

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Sur d’autres sites (8658)

  • Révision 21731 : Fix #3243 : pas de liste fermee pour utiliser un synonyme déclaré dans exception...

    28 octobre 2014, par cedric -
  • Revision 56435bb7b6 : Add skin detection. Simple skin detection, from vp8 ; works reasonable on most o

    3 février 2015, par Marco

    Changed Paths :
     Modify /vp9/encoder/vp9_encoder.c

     Add /vp9/encoder/vp9_skin_detection.c

     Add /vp9/encoder/vp9_skin_detection.h

     Modify /vp9/

    Add skin detection.

    Simple skin detection, from vp8 ; works reasonable on most of the
    RTC clips, but could miss sometimes.

    Added debug flag to write out skin map over source input.

    Change-Id : I2caea7592f1c459047aac46627eeb24a94946464

  • delay in lyrics shown when concat video with lyrics with an intro video using ffmpeg

    19 mars 2018, par no name

    I have a video with lyrics I add the lyrics used ffmpeg too. I have the lyrics in lrc formate and i change it to ass lyrics formate then I start to add it to my video using this command

    ffmpeg -i video.mp4 -vf "ass=out.ass,fade=in:0:30" -y amr.mp4

    I use fade=in:0:30 to make fade in the start of the video so when I start merge intro video my original video not start at once but to have some fade in, in the start to have a good view.
    then I start to add the intro video using a text file which has this

    file intro.mp4
    file amr.mp4

    then I merge them using this command

    ffmpeg -f concat -safe 0 -i out.txt -c copy -y final.mp4

    i got these message

    [mov,mp4,m4a,3gp,3g2,mj2 @ 03eadb80] Auto-inserting h264_mp4toannexb bitstream filter
    [mp4 @ 06419580] Non-monotonous DTS in output stream 0:1; previous: 310272,     current: 285626; changing to 310273. This may result in incorrect timestamps in   the output file.

    repeated many times.
    when i watch the final video the lyrics have some delay from the sound the problem appeared when I merge the intro video but without it the lyrics have no problem so what I made wrong make the lyrics shown in this way and not in the right timing as it should have no problems as I merge only the intro video and after add the lyrics to the original one
    Thanks in advance