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GetID3 - Boutons supplémentaires
9 avril 2013, par
Mis à jour : Avril 2013
Langue : français
Type : Image
Core Media Video
4 avril 2013, par
Mis à jour : Juin 2013
Langue : français
Type : Video
The pirate bay depuis la Belgique
1er avril 2013, par
Mis à jour : Avril 2013
Langue : français
Type : Image
Bug de détection d’ogg
22 mars 2013, par
Mis à jour : Avril 2013
Langue : français
Type : Video
Exemple de boutons d’action pour une collection collaborative
27 février 2013, par
Mis à jour : Mars 2013
Langue : français
Type : Image
Exemple de boutons d’action pour une collection personnelle
27 février 2013, par
Mis à jour : Février 2013
Langue : English
Type : Image
Autres articles (26)
Encoding and processing into web-friendly formats
13 avril 2011, parMediaSPIP automatically converts uploaded files to internet-compatible formats.
Video files are encoded in MP4, Ogv and WebM (supported by HTML5) and MP4 (supported by Flash).
Audio files are encoded in MP3 and Ogg (supported by HTML5) and MP3 (supported by Flash).
Where possible, text is analyzed in order to retrieve the data needed for search engine detection, and then exported as a series of image files.
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Configuration spécifique d’Apache
4 février 2011, parModules spécifiques
Pour la configuration d’Apache, il est conseillé d’activer certains modules non spécifiques à MediaSPIP, mais permettant d’améliorer les performances : mod_deflate et mod_headers pour compresser automatiquement via Apache les pages. Cf ce tutoriel ; mode_expires pour gérer correctement l’expiration des hits. Cf ce tutoriel ;
Il est également conseillé d’ajouter la prise en charge par apache du mime-type pour les fichiers WebM comme indiqué dans ce tutoriel.
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Possibilité de déploiement en ferme
12 avril 2011, parMediaSPIP peut être installé comme une ferme, avec un seul "noyau" hébergé sur un serveur dédié et utilisé par une multitude de sites différents.
Cela permet, par exemple : de pouvoir partager les frais de mise en œuvre entre plusieurs projets / individus ; de pouvoir déployer rapidement une multitude de sites uniques ; d’éviter d’avoir à mettre l’ensemble des créations dans un fourre-tout numérique comme c’est le cas pour les grandes plate-formes tout public disséminées sur le (...)
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Started Programming Young
6 septembre 2011, par Multimedia Mike — ProgrammingI have some of the strangest memories of my struggles to jump into computer programming.
I remember doing some Logo programming on Apple II computers at school in 5th grade (1987 timeframe). But that was mostly driving turtle graphics. Then I remember doing some TRS-80 BASIC in 7th grade, circa 1989. Emboldened by what very little I had learned in perhaps the week or 2 we took in a science class to do this, I tried a little GW-BASIC on my family’s “IBM-PC compatible” computer (they were still called that back then). I still remember what my first program consisted of. Even back then I was interested in manipulating graphics and color on a computer screen. Thus :10 color 1 20 print "This is color 1" 30 color 2 40 print "This is color 2" ...
And so on through 15 colors. Hey, it did the job– it demonstrated the 15 different colors you could set in text mode.
What’s FOR For ?
That 7th grade computer unit in science class wasn’t very thick on computer science details. I recall working with a lab partner to transcribe code listings into a computer (and also saving my work to a storage cassette). We also developed form processing programs that would print instructions to input text followed by an “INPUT I$” statement to obtain the user’s output.I remember there was some situation where we needed a brief delay between input and printing. The teacher told us to use a construct of the form :
10 FOR I = 1 TO 20000 20 NEXT I
We had to calibrate the number based on our empirical assessment of how long it lasted but I recall that the number couldn’t be much higher than about 32000, for reasons that would become clearer much later.
Imagine my confusion when I would read and try to comprehend BASIC program code I would find in magazines. I would of course see that FOR..NEXT construct all over the place but obviously not in the context of introducing deliberate execution delays. Indeed, my understanding of one of the fundamental building blocks of computer programming — iteration — was completely skewed because of this early lesson.
Somewhere along the line, I figured out that the FOR..NEXT could be used to do the same thing a bunch of times, possibly with different values. A few years after I had written that color program, I found it again and realized that I could write it as :10 for I = 1 to 15 20 color I 30 print I 40 next I
It still took me a few more years to sort out the meaning of WHILE..WEND, though.
Add additional, dutch-specific methods : phone, mobile, postal, bank and giro account
27 février 2013, par digitalicam additional-methods.js m localization/messages_nl.js m test/methods.js Add additional, dutch-specific methods : phone, mobile, postal, bank and giro account add dutch phone number validation
Troll spirit
15 juin 2013, par Mans — Law and libertyLast week’s announcements from the White House of steps being taken to begin fighting back against patent trolls, along with legislation passed in Vermont for the same purpose, are worthy of praise. Whether they prove effective or not, they are a sign of the problem finally having been recognised by … Continue reading