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  • HTML5 audio and video support

    13 avril 2011, par

    MediaSPIP uses HTML5 video and audio tags to play multimedia files, taking advantage of the latest W3C innovations supported by modern browsers.
    The MediaSPIP player used has been created specifically for MediaSPIP and can be easily adapted to fit in with a specific theme.
    For older browsers the Flowplayer flash fallback is used.
    MediaSPIP allows for media playback on major mobile platforms with the above (...)

  • Encoding and processing into web-friendly formats

    13 avril 2011, par

    MediaSPIP automatically converts uploaded files to internet-compatible formats.
    Video files are encoded in MP4, Ogv and WebM (supported by HTML5) and MP4 (supported by Flash).
    Audio files are encoded in MP3 and Ogg (supported by HTML5) and MP3 (supported by Flash).
    Where possible, text is analyzed in order to retrieve the data needed for search engine detection, and then exported as a series of image files.
    All uploaded files are stored online in their original format, so you can (...)

  • Demande de création d’un canal

    12 mars 2010, par

    En fonction de la configuration de la plateforme, l’utilisateur peu avoir à sa disposition deux méthodes différentes de demande de création de canal. La première est au moment de son inscription, la seconde, après son inscription en remplissant un formulaire de demande.
    Les deux manières demandent les mêmes choses fonctionnent à peu près de la même manière, le futur utilisateur doit remplir une série de champ de formulaire permettant tout d’abord aux administrateurs d’avoir des informations quant à (...)

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  • Convert factory-class and factory-method to factory in Services.xml

    19 janvier 2016, par K Ф

    I’m using Symfony3 and I noticed that factory-class and factory-method don’t exist anymore, but factory does exist.

    This is rather frustrating because I would like to use pulse00/ffmpeg-bundle, but the services.xml seems to be pre-3.0.

    factory-class and factory-method

    As you can see the 4 red marked attributes are the problem :

    factory-class="%dubture_ffmpeg.ffmpeg.class%" factory-method="create"
    factory-class="%dubture_ffmpeg.ffprobe.class%" factory-method="create"

    Example(Symfony3 version) :

           class:   NewsletterManager
           factory: [NewsletterManagerFactory, createNewsletterManager]

    Question :

    How do I update the services.xml for it to work correctly with Symfony3 ?

    What I have tried :

    I have tried combining the two without much success and using factory instead. But apparantly "factory" is not allowed either.

    Errors :

    $ php bin/console server:run

    The error I am getting :

    The attribute ’factory-class’ is not allowed.


  • Greek language translation

    15 janvier 2014, par jackmoore
    Greek language translation
  • I'm using tapioca plugin in flutter and i'm gettig this error

    5 août 2022, par Linuse Tikpon