Grandt/PHPePub - GitHub
PHPePub - PHP Classes for dunamically generating EPub files.
Les articles publiés sur le site
Merge pull request #38 from tcitworld/master
16 mars 2016, par GrandtMerge pull request #38 from tcitworld/master check that exif is installed instead of GD to use it
check that exif is installed instead of GD to use it
16 mars 2016, par tcitworldcheck that exif is installed instead of GD to use it
* Fix : Error when image link has no extension in its file name.
16 mars 2016, par Grandt* Fix: Error when image link has no extension in its file name.
#37 fixing an error when image link has no extension.
16 mars 2016, par Grandt#37 fixing an error when image link has no extension.
8 mars 2016, par Grandt4.0.6